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Releases: Glazzes/react-native-zoom-toolkit

Release 2.0.1

22 Jun 20:53
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Why 2.0.1 and not 2.0.0?

Because I had 1.0.0 on package.json the very first time I published and release-it tool didn't ask me which version to use, so it just bumped the major.

✨ New Features

  • Add onSwipe property to ResumableZoom and Gallery components.
  • Add overPanning property to ResuambleZoom component.
  • Adds basic gesture callbacks to Gallery component, including the following: onPanStart, onPanEnd, onPinchStart and onPinchEnd.
  • Add support for vertical mode in Gallery component.
  • Add support for custom scroll transitions in Gallery component through customTransition callback property.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • ResumableZoom's extendGestures property now supports components bigger than ResuambleZoom dimensions #20
  • Fix incorrect tap edge detection in Gallery component, it's now bound to the visible area of the current item rather than the whole item itself.
  • Add missing boolean flag to Gallery's reset method.

💥 Breaking Changes

  • Renamed all instances of panWithPinch property to allowPinchPanning.
  • Remove hitslop from ResumableZoom in favor of extendGestures property.
  • Removed onSwipeRight and onSwipeLeft from ResumableZoom in favor of the new onSwipe property.
  • Removed onHorizontalBoundsExceeded from ResumableZoom in favor of the new onOverPanning property.
  • CropZoom's maxScale property no longer accepts negative values as the condition to infere max scale.
  • Gallery component's default animation has been removed and the default mode is now a slider, the previous animation can still be used by importing it.

🗃️ Miscelaneous

  • Replace Gallery's custom pinch implementation for the common one used in ResumableZoom and CropZoom components.
  • Fix typos in SnapbackZoom documentation #24 by @tannermares

Release 1.2.3

06 Jun 22:15
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⚡️ Improvements

  • Rewrite the size calculation for child component in CropZoom, refs #21
  • Small size improvement

🗃️ Miscellaneous

  • Update example app to Expo SDK 51

Release 1.2.2

29 May 01:58
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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix CropZoom crash when using an element whose aspect ratio is one #21

🗃️ Miscellaneous

  • Update CropZoom examples to latest changes.

Release 1.2.1

12 May 21:18
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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix Gallery's incorrect gesture detection area dimensions when a child is bigger than its own dimensions.
  • Fix Gallery's memoization for children and pinchable view.
  • Fix error when Gallery's maxScale property is set to an empty array, now defaults to 6.
  • Fix CropZoom's incorrect pinch to zoom calculation when its child is rotated.

📝 Documentation

  • Refactor Gallery's usage example.

🗃️ Miscellaneous

  • Improve Gallery's example in the example app.
  • Remove fixed background color from Gallery's styles.

Release 1.2.0

04 May 17:05
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Features ✨

  • Add a new Gallery component based on Telegram's one.
  • Add extendGestures property to ResuambleZoom component.

Enhancements 🚩

  • panWithPinch feature will be set to true by default for iOS users if a version of GH's greater than equals 2.16.0 is detected.
  • Clamp the Y axis for ResuambleZoom component when panMode property is set to PanMode.CLAMP
  • Change root view of ResumableZoom and CropZoom components for GH's GestureHandlerRootView component.

Miscellaneous 🗃️

  • Add Reanimated and GH as peer dependencies.
  • Deprecate hitSlop property for ResumableZoom component.

Documentation 📝

  • Update according to the latest features and enhancements.

Release 1.1.0

07 Apr 18:59
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Features ✨

  • Add assignState method to ResumableZoom component.
  • Add requestState and assignState methods to CropZoom.
  • Add onGestureEnd callback to ResumableZoom and CropZoom components, refs #14

Enhancements 🚩

  • Expand the condition in which swipe gestures for ResuambleZoom's component are detected, as long the edges of the wrapped component and its enclosing container are in contact a swipe gesture can be triggered.

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Fixes a bug in which minScale property would always be one, even if the user sets it to another value.

Documentation 📝

  • Clarify panWithPinch feature will not trigger any pan gesture related callbacks #14
  • Update according to the latest features and enhancements.

Release 1.0.2

28 Mar 17:58
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Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Fix jump at the end of pinch gesture #10
  • Makes panWithPinch opt in for iOS users, see #10

Documentation 📝

  • Warns users about new GH version and bumps version to 1.0.2 (04df090)

Release 1.0.2-0

28 Mar 00:35
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Release 1.0.2-0 Pre-release

What Changed?

  • Fix jump issue at the end of pinch gesture #10
  • Makes panWithPinch an opt in feature of iOS users because of this Gesture Handler issue, this one will be enabled again when this fix makes to the next GH release.

Release 1.0.1

26 Mar 18:10
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  • Adds JSDoc to zoomable component's types as well as for the utilities.
  • Improves documentation readability for CropZoom and ResumableZoom components.
  • Bumps documentation version to 1.0.1
  • Warns NPM website watchers about its markdown renderer poor capabilities at file.
  • Modifies deploy documentation work-flow from being triggered on push at main branch in favour of a manual execution.

Release 1.0.0

24 Mar 16:57
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Initial Release 🥳

Comes with three different components for common requirements.

  • SnapbackZoom: A simple component to handle zoomable previews.
  • ResumableZoom: A component for detail and gallery screens, this one has resumable gestures
  • CropZoom: Similar to ResumableZoom, however this one is made for image and video cropping requirements.

Comes with two utilities

  • useImageResolution: A handy component that gets the resolution of a bundle or network image.
  • getAspectRatioSize: A function that gets the width and height based on the aspect ratio.