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Build Status

  • Simple JsonMapper, which maps JSON data to your models automatically.

  • You don't need to parse your JSON manually.

  • Mapper don't use reflection at all, so it's fast enough.

  • All you need is:

    let object: Object = try


  • iOS 9.1+
  • XCode 8.0+
  • Swift 3.0+ (Actually, I didn't test it for other versions of iOS and macOS so, you can try :) )

Current features:

  • Mapping primitive types;
  • Mapping Mapable objects (classes, structs, enums);
  • Optional mapping;
  • Supporting of arrays mapping;
  • Supporting of nested types mapping;
  • Supporting speeding up mapping of single object by declaring helpingPath property;
  • Mapping custom types like Date.

Future features and plans:

  • Unit tests coverage(in process);
  • Simplify declaring of helpingPath property - done;
  • Extend all primitive types for AtomaryMapable protocol - done;


  1. Import library as follows:
import JsonMapper
  1. Create your Class or Struct and extend it for Mapable protocol:
public protocol Mapable {
 init(_ wrapping: Wrapping) throws
 static var properties: [MapableProperty] { get }
 static var mappingPath: [TargetNode] { get }

for example:

class User: Mapable {
  var name: String
  var login: String
  var age: Int
  static var mappingPath: [TargetNode] = []
  static var properties: [MapableProperty] = [
      .value(type: String.self, key: "name", optional: false),
      .value(type: String.self, key: "login", optional: false),
      .value(type: Int.self, key: "age", optional: false)
  public required init(_ wrapping: Wrapping) throws {
      name = try wrapping.get("name")
      login = try wrapping.get("login")
      age = try wrapping.get("age")

where mappingPath - array of values, which can help Mapper to find destination Object in JSON file. For example, you have json file:

  "response" : {
    "user" : {
      "name" : "Test",
      "login" : "Login", 
      "age" : 33

your helpingPath should be as follows:

public static var mappingPath: [TargetNode] = [.dictionaryNode(key: "response"),
                                               .dictionaryNode(key: "user", isDestination: true)]                                         

this property determines a valid way for "user" object, and Mapper won't search object recursively. You can delete this property or stay it like :

public static var mappingPath: [TargetNode] = []                                                    

to force recursive search (BFS) of object that you need to be mapped.

MapableProperty supports properties like :

public enum MapableProperty {
  case value(type: AtomaryMapable.Type, key: String, optional: Bool)
  case array(type: AtomaryMapable.Type, key: String, optional: Bool)
  case dictionary(type: AtomaryMapable.Type, key: String, optional: Bool)
  case object(type: Mapable.Type, key: String, optional: Bool)
  case objectsArray(type: Mapable.Type, key: String, optional: Bool)
  case objectsDictionary(type: Mapable.Type, key: String, optional: Bool)
  1. Then call with Data object or json:
  let dataUser: User = try
  let jsonUser: User = try  
  1. Also you can map arrays, nested types or primitive and custom types by call :
  let users: [User] = try[data or json])
  let stringValue: String = try[data or json], for: "[your key for needed String value]")
  let doubles: [String: Double] = try[data or json], for: "[your key for needed array of Double values]")
  let date: Date = try "data", json, { (rawValue: String) -> Date in
      guard let date = DateFormatter().date(from: rawValue) else {
          throw SomeError
      return date

For mapping array of Mapable objects it's recommended not to use mappingPath value (just for now :D), to prevent unexpected behavior.