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Setting up Go Everywhere for development

axxonyara edited this page Aug 17, 2013 · 1 revision

This guide will show you how to set up the PHP pages and MySQL tables needed to run Go Everywhere on your computer.

This guide assumes you already have WAMP, MAMP, LAMP, or some other combination of server+PHP+MySQL.

  • Go to
  • Click "Download ZIP" on the right.
  • Extract the ZIP file you just downloaded.
  • Open the Go-Everywhere-master folder, which is located where you extracted the ZIP file.
  • Now, open the "root" folder.
  • Copy what's in there to the root folder of your web server (like "C:/wamp/www").
  • You should be able to go to http://localhost/db_constants.php and see a blank page.
  • Next, make a new folder in the root of your web server, and call it "Go-Everywhere".
  • Copy the files in "Go-Everywhere-master" to "Go-Everywhere".
  • Go to http://localhost/Go-Everywhere.
  • You should be able to browse around, but if you try to go to the "Explore" page, it won't work!
  • To fix this, you must connect Go Everywhere to a MySQL database.
  • Open the db_constants.php file in the root of your server, and fill in the details of your MySQL server. If you don't know this, but are sure you have MySQL, leave these at the defaults.
  • Then, go to phpMyAdmin for your MySQL server. If you don't have it installed, get it here, but most bundles come with it.
  • Make a new database called go-everywhere.
  • Download this SQL file, and import it into your database.
  • Congratulations! Go Everywhere should now be working at http://localhost/Go-Everywhere. If it doesn't work, please file an issue.
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