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Macbook Pro 11,4 {Status = Development}

You can follow the '' file and carry the set-up step by step or run the automated scripts. There are 3 scripts (pre, post and package install).

Installation Instructions

Setting the font

Macbook Pro have HiDPI which makes reading the text hard. To make it readable.

setfont latarcyrheb-sun32

If the system is not connected to internet through LAN, it can be connected using wifi


Git is not available in the start which can be installed using:

pacman -Sy git

Disk Preparation

Following is my disk set-up. I am choosing not to create a special partition for swap file. If swap is required in the future, I plan to create a swap file.

Size Mount Point Format Partition Code
300M /boot FAT32 UEFI Boot Partition
200G / ext4 Linux File System
* /home ext4 Linux Home System
cgdisk /dev/sda

Formatting the Drives

mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sda1
mkfs.ext4 -l main /dev/sda2

Mounting drives for install

mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
mkdir /mnt/boot && mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot

lsblk allows you to look at the structure of the disk.

Installing Arch Linux files

pacstrap /mnt base base-devel vim intel-ucode sudo networkmanager wpa_supplicant  git util-linux sway wlroots wayland swaylock swayidle termite mako grim slurp wl-clipboard
Package Purpose
base The required one with base utils.
base-devel Development tools
neovim Text Editor
sudo To run superuser commands without changing the suer
networkmanager Package to manage network connections
sway Wayland based tiling windows manager and 100% compatible with i3
wlroots Required by wayland
wayland The new Xorg compositor
swaylock Sway's addon to allow system lock down with idle
termite Terminal application
mako Notification Daemon
grim + slurp Screen shot
wl-clipboard Clipboard copy/paste

Configuring fstab

genfstab -L -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
arch-chroot /mnt

Running Scripts

There are 3+ scripts that need to be run in each stage.

Script Name Stage Purpose Preparation Install basic required packages Install Basic Configuration and Bootup setup Post Install Starting Services for day and patching Desktop Environment Setting up Sway DE - Development Desktop Environment Setting up Gnome DE - Development Desktop Environment Setting up KDE DE - Development