You can follow the '' file and carry the set-up step by step or run the automated scripts. There are 3 scripts (pre, post and package install).
Macbook Pro have HiDPI which makes reading the text hard. To make it readable.
setfont latarcyrheb-sun32
If the system is not connected to internet through LAN, it can be connected using wifi
Git is not available in the start which can be installed using:
pacman -Sy git
Following is my disk set-up. I am choosing not to create a special partition for swap file. If swap is required in the future, I plan to create a swap file.
Size | Mount Point | Format | Partition Code |
300M | /boot | FAT32 | UEFI Boot Partition |
200G | / | ext4 | Linux File System |
* | /home | ext4 | Linux Home System |
cgdisk /dev/sda
mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sda1
mkfs.ext4 -l main /dev/sda2
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
mkdir /mnt/boot && mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
lsblk allows you to look at the structure of the disk.
pacstrap /mnt base base-devel vim intel-ucode sudo networkmanager wpa_supplicant git util-linux sway wlroots wayland swaylock swayidle termite mako grim slurp wl-clipboard
Package | Purpose |
base | The required one with base utils. |
base-devel | Development tools |
neovim | Text Editor |
intel-ucode | |
sudo | To run superuser commands without changing the suer |
networkmanager | Package to manage network connections |
wpa_supplicant | |
git | |
util-linux | |
sway | Wayland based tiling windows manager and 100% compatible with i3 |
wlroots | Required by wayland |
wayland | The new Xorg compositor |
swaylock | Sway's addon to allow system lock down with idle |
swayidle | |
termite | Terminal application |
mako | Notification Daemon |
grim + slurp | Screen shot |
wl-clipboard | Clipboard copy/paste |
genfstab -L -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
arch-chroot /mnt
There are 3+ scripts that need to be run in each stage.
Script Name | Stage | Purpose |
---|---|---| | Preparation | Install basic required packages | | Install | Basic Configuration and Bootup setup | | Post Install | Starting Services for day and patching | | Desktop Environment | Setting up Sway DE - Development | | Desktop Environment | Setting up Gnome DE - Development | | Desktop Environment | Setting up KDE DE - Development |