If Node and Npm is not installed on your computer, please check this Website for Node installation.
You can create virtual env with conda [recommended].
If conda is not installed on your computer, please check this Website for conda installation.
conda create -n COMP9323 python=3.6
# create a virtual environment
conda activate COMP9323
#activate virtual environment
cd backend
pip install -r requirements.txt
#installing from a package index using a requirement specifier.
python3 run.py
Open your browser and visit: http://localhost:5000. You will see the backend docs of this project. When you want to exit the virtual environment.
conda deactivate
On your command console, execute the following command in the folder where the project is located
cd fronted
npm install
#This command installs a package, and any packages that it depends on.
npm start
# Startup project
Open your browser and visit: http://localhost:3000. You will see the homepage of this project.
Quick start: use username 'admin' and password 'admin'
In backend/db/users.csv
there is a list of all users within the provided database, you can login as any of these users for testing.
To make sure everything is working correctly we strongly suggest you read the instructions in both backend and frontend,and try to start both servers (frontend and backend).
You can view frontend source code in and editor like Sublime or VSCode.
# code folder
src: # The main code folder
> components # Header and Footer component
> pages # All content pages
> statics # All pcitures
> store # Redux data warehouse
- App.js # Routing settings for website
- backend_url.js # Global backend url
- helpers.js # Some function sets that need to be used multiple times
- index.js # The main entrypoint for this website
- style.css # Set global style for HTML labels
You can view backend source code in and editor like Sublime or VSCode.
>apis # All api code
>db # Initialization data
>util # API models and help functions
- requirement.txt # Relevant Python packages
- run.py # The entrypoint for backend sever