A polyfill for the kv-storage built-in module.
First, ensure you have an Import Map defined to enable the browser version where supported:
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"/node_modules/kv-storage/dist/kv-storage-polyfill.mjs": [
Then import the polyfill. If the browser supports std:kv-storage
natively, it will use that instead:
import { storage } from '/node_modules/kv-storage/dist/kv-storage-polyfill.mjs';
(async () => {
await storage.set("mycat", "Tom");
console.assert(await storage.get("mycat") === "Tom");
console.log(await storage.entries());
// Logs [["mycat", "Tom"]]
await storage.delete("mycat");
console.assert(await storage.get("mycat") === undefined);
ES Modules: (for everything)
import storage from 'kv-storage-polyfill'; // default storage namespace
import { StorageArea } from 'kv-storage-polyfill'; // instantiable StorageArea class
import storage, { StorageArea } from 'kv-storage-polyfill'; // you can combine
CommonJS: (for Node/browserify)
const storage = require('kv-storage-polyfill'); // default storage namespace
const storage = require('kv-storage-polyfill').default // also works, just an alias
const { StorageArea } = require('kv-storage-polyfill'); // instantiable StorageArea class
UMD/AMD: (for compatibility)
define(['/web/kv-storage-polyfill.umd.js'], function(storage) {
storage === storage.default // default storage area
storage.StorageArea // instantiable StorageArea class
Browser Globals: (for demos)
<script src="/web/kv-storage/polyfill.umd.js"></script>
const { StorageArea } = kvStoragePolyfill;
const storage = kvStoragePolyfill; // optional `.default` if you want
Apache 2