Here you can chat with any pdf that can hekp you in solving the problem facing at time of pdf reading.As a student I know that manytimes we got the pdf of a subject but we doesnot come to know that is written on it but after this you don't have to suffer as it can help you by analyze the whole pdf and can answer of your any problem which suits interesting right. Yes This is a website where you only have to upload a pdf or a ppt and it can tell you the answer of you any question not only this if you say tell the whole summary then it can also tell you the whole summary Does't it listen interesting but yes i have done this very well.
- can tell the summary of your any ppt or pdf
- can solve your any doubt related to that pdf that is written on the pdf
- python
- streamlit
- google-generativeai
- python-dotenv
- langchain
- PyPDF2
- faiss-cpu
- langchain_google_genai
- langchain_community