The First Project from Fedor Peplin's Tasks Trajectory. The reverse polish notation of prefix type is used in this calculator.
Write logically an expression in the common math form (Doesn't matter w/ or w/o gaps, our calculator can take both forms).
Press Enter.
If you write an expression with variables the programm will ask you to determinate them.(example №2-3)
Get the answer.
- +, -, /, *, (), ^.
- sin(x), cos(x), log(x), sqrt(x), exp(x), (x)^(y), abs(x).
- Negative numbers.
- Constants: PI, e, j(imaginary unit).
- Float numbers (use . for them).
- Complex numbers (a+b*j) + special functions:
- Magnitude - mag(z), Phase - phase(z);
- Complex sin(z), cos(z), exp(z), sqrt(z), (z)^(z), log(z);
- Image - imag(z), Real - real(z).