This is my personal dotfiles repository.
A single Ansible playbook installs and sets up all applications and uses stow to install symlinks to the dotfiles.
Some of the main tools that I use in my daily workflow:
- Terminal emulator: Alacritty
- Terminal multiplexer: Tmux
- File editor: Neovim
- Shell: Zsh
- Setup management: Ansible
- Git TUI: Tig
- File browser: lf
NOTE: Please READ and UNDERSTAND what the script and playbook does before executing
$ ./
$ ansible-playbook setup.yml -K
- Monospace font: Jetbrains Mono or Hack
- Color scheme: Gruvbox
- Background color:
Custom Vimium mappings for Chrome
unmap <a-p>
map <a-n> nextTab
map <a-p> previousTab