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Grisgram edited this page May 12, 2022 · 2 revisions

Animated Flag Wiki

How to use

First time users: Clone the repo and start the demo project

The repository contains a small demo project with a single room and some objects that show animated flags with different settings for speed, intensity and wave height. Go to the room editor and double click some of the flags, so you can see, which runtime values are applied for the shown effects.

Get the package

In the Releases section of the repository you can find a history of releases of this object. The packge contains only the necessary files to be imported in your project. When importing, a animated-flag group is created in the root of your project. Move it to a location that fits your project best.

Contained Files in the package

File Description
AnimatedFlag (Object) This is the vertex-animated object.
Clone it or create childs for the various flags in your game.
sprDefaultChuckFlag (Sprite) This is just the demo sprite attached to the default object.
Delete it as soon as you have your own sprites in place.

More Details here: [ AnimatedFlag ]

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