FILE: 07_WeatherDataAPIV1
SRC Weather DATA:
SRC Reverse Geolocalization DATA:
- Description: Using the Search Input Value to Fetch the OpenWeather API and show the Weather of different locations with the Search Query
Showing in real time the User location based on Longitude and Latitude every time the website loads by using the Native Navigator Geolocation and the OpenCage Reverse Geolocalization API to get the user's city - Used: JavaScript, CSS, HTML.
FILE: 06_Consuming-API
- Description: Fetching a online external API JSONPlaceholder and Creating a List with the Data.
Fetching Data for the Client from the local Server running with Express. Using CORS to allow the GET methods and AXIOS to Fetch Data from a external API from the JsonPlaceholder website and sending this Data to the Client and showing it in a List in the HTML - Used: JavaScript, Express, NodeJS, CORS, AXIOS, CSS, HTML.
FILE: 04_FetchReal-timeISSLocation
- Description: Fetching a online API of the ISS location and using Leaflet.JS to create a Map.
Showing in real time the ISS location based on Longitude and Latitude that Refreshes every Second its position. - Used: JavaScript, Leaflet.Js, HTML.
FILE: 03_FetchNGraphCSVFile
- Description: Downloading a CSV Tabular Data of the "Combined Global Land-Surface Air and Sea-Surface Water Temperature" changes from 1880 until 2020 from NASA, and manually Parsing the Data after fetching it.
Charting the Data into a Canvas in HTML5 with Chart.js library and then customizing a little.
Shows the Global, Northen Hemisphere and Souther Hemisphere Temperature in Celsius - Used: JavaScript, Canvas.js, HTML.