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KlipperScreen for FLSUN Speeder Pad

Sans titre-2 copie

KlipperScreen is a touchscreen GUI that interfaces with Klipper via Moonraker. It can switch between multiple printers to access them from a single location, and it doesn't even need to run on the same host, you can install it on another device and configure the IP address to access the printer.

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This version of KlipperScreen is compatible with FLSUN Speeder Pad, it's optimized for Delta printers.

  • Latest build of KlipperScreen
  • Improved Z-Offset Calibration menu
  • Added support for Endstops Phase Calibration
  • Some fixes and adjustments

Improved Klipper Configurations are also available here : Klipper-Flsun-Speeder-Pad

If you like my work, don't hesitate to support me by paying me a 🍺 or a ☕. Thank you 🙂



  • Make sure previous installation of KlipperScreen is removed (with Kiauh).

  • In SSH, enter the following commands (one at a time) to install KlipperScreen:

    cd ~ && git clone
    sudo mv ~/KlipperScreen-Flsun-Speeder-Pad ~/KlipperScreen
  • Go to your Mainsail Web interface then select the Machine tab.

  • Open the moonraker.conf file and modify the [update_manager KlipperScreen] section as follows:

    [update_manager KlipperScreen]
    type: git_repo
    path: ~/KlipperScreen
    virtualenv: ~/.KlipperScreen-env
    requirements: scripts/KlipperScreen-requirements.txt
    system_dependencies: scripts/system-dependencies.json
    managed_services: KlipperScreen
  • Once done, click on SAVE & RESTART at the top right to save the file.

  • You can now click the refresh button (still in the Machine tab) on the Update Manager tile.

  • You will see a new KlipperScreen update appear, if you see a ⚠️DIRTY update, just select Hard Recovery to update.

    Update Manager

  • Once installed you will have the new version of KlipperScreen and future updates will point directly to my repo like this:



  • Make sure previous installation of KlipperScreen is removed (with Kiauh).
  • In SSH, enter the following commands (one at a time) to install KlipperScreen:
    cd ~ && git clone

Note: Installation may take several minutes.

  • Go to your Mainsail Web interface then select the Machine tab.

  • Open the moonraker.conf file and modify the [update_manager KlipperScreen] section as follows:

    [update_manager KlipperScreen]
    type: git_repo
    path: ~/KlipperScreen
    virtualenv: ~/.KlipperScreen-env
    requirements: scripts/KlipperScreen-requirements.txt
    system_dependencies: scripts/system-dependencies.json
    managed_services: KlipperScreen


  • This version of KlipperScreen use the following Macros:

    • Z Offset Calibration function use [gcode_macro Z_OFFSET_CALIBRATION]
    • EndStops Calibration function use [gcode_macro ENDSTOPS_CALIBRATION]
    • Automatic Delta Calibration function use [gcode_macro DELTA_CALIBRATION]
    • Apply a safety Offset function use [gcode_macro SECURITY_OFFSET]
    • Bed Mesh function use [gcode_macro BED_LEVELING]
    • Hotend PID function use [gcode_macro PID_HOTEND]
    • Bed PID function use [gcode_macro PID_BED]
    • Hotend LED Off function use [gcode_macro LED_HOTEND_OFF]
    • Hotend LED On function use [gcode_macro LED_HOTEND_ON]
    • Logo LED Off function use [gcode_macro LED_LOGO_OFF]
    • Logo LED On function use [gcode_macro LED_LOGO_ON]

  • To use M600 Macro, you need to change [filament_switch_sensor filament_sensor] section in your printer.cfg file like this:
    [filament_switch_sensor filament_sensor]
    pause_on_runout: True
    runout_gcode: M600

  • To have screen notifications, add this in your printer.cfg file:

  • To use Endstops Calibrate function, it's needed to have this in your printer.cfg file:
    [endstop_phase stepper_a]
    endstop_align_zero: false
    [endstop_phase stepper_b]
    endstop_align_zero: false
    [endstop_phase stepper_c]
    endstop_align_zero: false

  • This version of KlipperScreen save Z-Offset in real time. This is needed:

  • Add this in your printer.cfg file:

    filename: ~/printer_data/config/variables.cfg
  • And must be used with this Macros:

    [gcode_macro SET_GCODE_OFFSET]
    description: Saving Z-Offset
    rename_existing: _SET_GCODE_OFFSET
      {% if printer.save_variables.variables.gcode_offsets %}
      {% set offsets = printer.save_variables.variables.gcode_offsets %}
      {% else %}
      {% set offsets = {'z': None} %}
      {% endif %}
      {% set ns = namespace(offsets={'z': offsets.z}) %}
      _SET_GCODE_OFFSET {% for p in params %}{'%s=%s '% (p, params[p])}{% endfor %}
      {%if 'Z' in params %}{% set null = ns.offsets.update({'z': params.Z}) %}{% endif %}
      {%if 'Z_ADJUST' in params %}
      {%if ns.offsets.z == None %}{% set null = ns.offsets.update({'z': 0}) %}{% endif %}
      {% set null = ns.offsets.update({'z': (ns.offsets.z | float) + (params.Z_ADJUST | float)}) %}
      {% endif %}
      SAVE_VARIABLE VARIABLE=gcode_offsets VALUE="{ns.offsets}"
    [delayed_gcode LOAD_GCODE_OFFSETS]
    initial_duration: 2
      {% if printer.save_variables.variables.gcode_offsets %}
      {% set offsets = printer.save_variables.variables.gcode_offsets %}
      _SET_GCODE_OFFSET {% for axis, offset in offsets.items() if offsets[axis] %}{ "%s=%s " % (axis, offset) }{% endfor %}
      { action_respond_info("Loaded Z-Offset from variables.cfg file: %s" % (offsets)) }
      {% endif %}

  • To display printers icons on printer select screen, your printers must be named like that:
    • Flsun V400: FLSUN V400
    • Flsun Super Racer: FLSUN SR
    • Flsun QQS Pro: FLSUN QQSP
    • Flsun Q5: FLSUN Q5


Changelog is available here: