MaterialTube is a simple client-side only web-client for Invidious servers. It supports using an Invidious account, but also allows you to store all of your data locally. It's main goal is to provide an even greater level of privacy and improve on the current Invidious UI.
Made using
- Browse trending
- Watch video's
- Custom settings
There are a few environmental variables that are able to be set during build time to further customize the application.
- GIT_URL: Set the url to the git repo. Default:
- APP_NAME: Set the app name to show to the users. Default: MaterialTube
- DEFAULT_SERVER: Set the invidious server to use by default. Default:
- Node.js v16.x
- Yarn or NPM
- Git
git clone MaterialTube
cd MaterialTube
# Choose Yarn or NPM
yarn install --frozen-lockfile
# npm install --frozen-lockfile
Now you have to choose between export to static HTML (recommended) or running a custom server (improves speed)
Exporting to static HTML:
yarn export
# npm export
The HTML files can be found in the out
folder. You can now serve them using something like NGINX or Apache
You can also opt to use a custom server, which improves on speed because it will prefetch your request.
Building and starting a custom server:
yarn build
# npm build
yarn start
# npm start
- Docker
- docker-compose
- Git
git clone MaterialTube
cd MaterialTube
docker build . -t materialtube
Now update the docker-compose.yml
to your needs and start the container:
docker-compose up -d
- Docker
- docker-compose
Simply update the following to your needs and put it in a file named docker-compose.yml
version: "3"
build: guusvanmeerveld/materialtube
container_name: material-tube
- 3000:80
Now run docker-compose up -d
to start the container.
Deploying to Heroku is a very simple and highly recommended way of deploying. All you have to do is click the button below, create an account (if you don't already have one) and deploy it.
Deploying to Netlify is just as easy as deploying to Heroku. Click the button below connect your Git repo and follow the steps to deploy your application.