Simple weather Station using Attiny85 + DHT11 + I2C LCD 16X2
- Print temperature (in Celsius) and humidity level on screen
- Buzzer notification per reading (just a small beep)
- Automatic backlight using photoresistor a.k.a. LDR
- Low power consumption, less than 1mA during deep sleep
- Push button to wake up (actually reset) the microcontroller and read data from DHT11
- Timer for the number of readings before the microcontroller goes to sleep (6 readings by default)
- Print error code on the screen when cannot read from DHt11
Two external libraries are needed: "LiquidCrystal_I2C" and "SimpleDHT"
Needed hardware:
- Attiny85 and an ISP programmer (you can use Digispark attiny85 to elimnate the need for an external programmer)
- 16X2 LCD with I2C controller (LCM1602 IIC)
- DHT11 sensor
- Piezo buzzer
- 2 np2222a transistors
- 10K ohm resistor
- Photo photoresistor (LDR)
- Push button
- Solderless breadboard
- Jump wires
- (Optional) stabilizing capacitor between VCC and GND