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Thomas Czogalik edited this page Jan 29, 2017 · 1 revision

#Physiological correlates of heart rate variability

Autonomic Influences of heart Rate

The heart rate is largely under the control of the autonomic nervous system. Parasympathetic influence is mediated via the release of acetylcholine. Sympathetic influence is mediated via release of epinephrine (Adrenalin) and norepinephrine. [1]

Components of HRV

In some papers, LF is a marker of sympathetic activity and in others, it is a marker for sympathetic and vagal influences (Change of heart Frequence with respiration). During exercise, the LF component is markedly reduced. LF can increase und different conditions: 90° Tilt, standing, mental stress and moderate exercise. An increase in HF can be induced by controlled respiration, cold stimulation of the face, rotational stimuli [1]

Summary and recommendation

Vagal activity (breathing) is the major contributor to the HF component. [1]

Changes in HRV related to specific pathologies

Myocardial infarction (Herzinfarkt)

Depressed HRV after myocardial infarction (MI) reflect a decrease in vagal activity which leads to cardiac electrical instability. In an acute phase of MI 24h-SDNN is significantly related to left ventricular dysfunction... [1] => Possible detection of MI with 24h-SDNN

Diabetic neuropathy

Some changes in the HRV values were detected but could not be perfectly linked to diabetic neuropathy. [1]

Cardiac transplantation

Reduced HRV with no definite spectral components is reported in patients with a recent heart transplant [1]

Myocardial dysfunction

Reduced HRV has been consistently observed in patients with cardiac failure (Herzversagen) [1] => Some tips in the app for what a reduced HRV can stand for

Modification of HRV by specific interventions

It's a growing consensus, that vagal activity can be beneficial and therefore the modification of the HRV. [1] Despite medication, exercise training might decrease mortality and sudden cardiac death [1 -> 126]. Its also capable of modifying the autonomic balance (?) [1 -> 127,128]. => Monitor autonomic balance to see improvements through exercise.

List of diseases and clinical HRV findings

[1] => diagnosis of diseases? Tipps on what a certain measurement could stand for.

Proposed Steps for HRV-Analysis [1]


Parametric vs non-Parametric spectral Analysis

Read: [Paper] (

Normal values of standard measures of heart rate variability [1]

Variable 24h
SDNN 141 +- 39 ms
SDANN 127 +- 35 ms
RMSSD 27 +- 12 ms
HRV triangular index 37 +- 15
Variable 5min
total power 3466 +- 1018 ms²
LF 1170 +-416 ms²
HF 975 +- 203 ms²
LF 54 +- 4 n.u.
HF 29 +- 3 n.u.
LF/HF ratio 1,5 - 2,0


[1] Paper