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Data sources

eleksi edited this page Feb 28, 2023 · 2 revisions

Data sources

These data sources we use or might use.

Terms used for data kind:

  • Intention: What should happen? Plans, requests, orders, commands, nudges, guiding, reservations etc.
  • Observation: What did happen? Sensor data, status updates etc.
  • Prediction: What will likely happen? Arrival predictions, population predictions etc.

It is sometimes easy to confuse these categories. Each business process uses only some data kinds.

In use

Data sets

Jore3 infopoiminta

Data dump of some Jore3 SQL Server contents.

Data owner: HSL
Data format: proprietary
Data kind: intention (most of the data), observation (at least recorded link lengths)
Data license: proprietary

Potential for use


Event and Land Use Permits in Public Areas of the City of Helsinki

Includes road works as polygons with start and end times and other metadata. This could be used to notify public transport planners of required action.

API owner: Helsinki Map Service
Data owner: City of Helsinki, Urban Environment Division, Services and permits
URL: Main documentation, Helsinki Region Infoshare
API type: WFS, WMS(?)
Data license: CC-BY 4.0 International

Data sets

Unknown whether API or data set

  • Municipal road networks


You can use these templates to add more data sources on this page.

<API name>

Short description

API owner: [Name](https://organization-site)\
Data owner: [Name](https://organization-site)\
URL: [API name](possible-page-within-wiki), [Main documentation](https://), [Informative blog post elsewhere](https://)\
API type: GraphQL, REST, SOAP, WFS, WMS, SQL, proprietary etc.\
Data format: JSON, Protocol Buffers, XML, proprietary etc.\
Data kind: intention, observation, prediction, N/A\
API license: [License name](https://link-to-where-license-declared)\
Data license: [License name](https://link-to-where-license-declared)

<Data set>

Short description

Data owner: [Name](https://organization-site)\
URL: [Data set name](possible-page-within-wiki), [Main documentation](https://), [Informative blog post elsewhere](https://)\
Data format: JSON, Protocol Buffers, XML, proprietary etc.\
Data kind: intention, observation, prediction, N/A\
Data license: [License name](https://link-to-where-license-declared)