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Demo dash app using devcontainers

Open in Remote - Containers

Getting started

Assumes you have VScode installed with the shell command code installed in your path.

Setup environment variables and secrets

Open a terminal and enter the following commands

cd devcon2
cp .env.example .env
cp web/.streamlit/secrets.toml.example web/.streamlit/secrets.toml
code .

You'll likely need to edit both files on the host system to ensure you're working with the correct details.

Then from VSCode, open this directory in its devcontainer, navigate to the VSCode terminal, and enter the following.

python web/

Developing on your local machine

Again, this assumes that you're using VSCode and you wish to develop using 'devcontainers'. Since there is more than one service, then there are separate .devcontainer.json files and Dockerfile(s) for each service, and additional file that extends the core compose.yml file to work the VSCode.

You will need to start each service one at a time, and in a separate VSCode window. Since the focus here is on developing the frontend, then having opened the main project (defined by the location of the .git directory, and the devcon2.code-workspace file), you need to use the command palette (F1 or CMD-SHIFT-P), and Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container... and then select the web folder.

This is slow the first time as it has to build the docker images, but less painful thereafter. It should then replace your previous VSCode window with one attached to just the web folder but hosted from a docker container built from the same Dockerfile that will be used in deployment. Your development and deployment environments should therefore be identical.


  • the api service will be automatically started (as you'd expect from the compose.yml file)
  • the actual web application (also specified in compose.yml) will not start, and you need to open a terminal in VSCode and run ./start yourself. The ports are however mapped properly and you should be able to reach both endpoints on your local machine.
  • both web and api services are started with a ./start script kicking off a gunicorn and uvicorn server respectively, both in 'debug' mode with the 'reload' option.

Port configuration is set in the .env file, and picked up in the compose.yml file.

If you wish to develop the backend api (the FastAPI service in the ./api (the FastAPI service in the ./api) (the FastAPI service in the ./api`) directory then you need a fresh VScode window, and repeat the above process but select the appropriate folder.

See the VSCode documentation for more information.


You should be able to use docker compose as usual from the project root.

docker compose up -d --build 

And with logging to the terminal

docker compose up -d --build && docker compose logs -f

Press CTRL-C to exit (the logs), and docker compose down to stop the services.


Demo repo testing dev containers






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