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Hanksha edited this page Sep 27, 2016 · 2 revisions

How to use


Create a project

To create a project go to Project then click the green plus button and enter a name.

Access a project

You can access a project by clicking on one of the link in the list.

Manage levels

Every action regarding the levels are submitted to version control, therefore any action can be reverted by clicking the revert button in the Commits panel.

Once in a project page you can manage the levels of the project.

Click the green plus button to create a level and fill up the form.

You can delete a level by clicking the red trash button.

To edit a level, select it in the list and add click the blue button, enter a room name and select the version. This will create an edition room, other user can join you in the room. Only one room can be create for a particular level.

To download a level, select a level from the list and click on the yellow download button. You can also download a particular version by selecting a commit in the commit list. You can also import an existing level file by clicking the import button and selecting a JSON MPLE format file.


To manage your tilesets go to Tilesets, from there you can add, view and delete your tilesets.

Level Editor


  • Brush, select the tiles in the tileset panel (you can select multiple tiles by click dragging) then click on the level view to draw the tiles
  • Eraser, click on the level view to erase a tile
  • Tile picker, click on a tile on the level view to select it
  • Annotation tool, select add (or delete, move) from to tool options panel then click on the level view
  • Sketching tool, select draw or erase from the tool options panel then click and drag on the level view to draw a line


You can add, move, hide and delete layers. The selected layer will be the one affected by the brush, eraser and picker tool.

Useful shortcuts

  • shift + f, flip the selected tiles horizontally
  • shift + v, flip the selected tiles vertically
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