- Login: Enter the dummy credentials (email: testuser@example.com, password: password123) to access the app.
- App link: https://task-manager-cli-app.streamlit.app/
The Task Manager CLI Application is a Python-based command-line tool for managing tasks efficiently. This application allows users to add, view, delete, and mark tasks as complete. All tasks are saved locally to a JSON file (tasks.json
), making them persistent across multiple sessions. Additionally, tasks are displayed in a neat tabular format to improve readability, and logging functionality is provided to track actions and handle errors effectively.
- Add Tasks: Add new tasks while ensuring unique titles (case-insensitive).
- View Tasks: View all tasks in a table format (ID, Title, Status).
- Delete Tasks: Remove tasks based on their unique task ID.
- Complete Tasks: Mark tasks as completed and avoid re-marking already completed tasks.
- Persistent Storage: Automatically saves tasks to a JSON file (
), ensuring data is retained between sessions. - Logging: Logs important events such as task addition, deletion, and errors into a log file (
- Python: Programming language used for development.
- Streamlit: A framework for creating web applications.
- JSON: Format for saving tasks.
- Pandas: For handling and displaying data in table format.
Before running the application, ensure you have the following installed on your system:
- Python 3.7 or higher
- pip (Python package installer)
Clone the project repository from GitHub using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/Harikishan-AI/Task-Manager-CLI-Application.git
Install the required packages:
pip install streamlit pandas
Navigate to the project directory:
cd path/to/task-manager
Start the Streamlit application:
streamlit run task_manager.py
Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8501 to access the Task Manager interface.
- Enter a task title in the "Task Title" input field and click "Add Task."
- If the title is empty, an error message will prompt you to provide a valid title.
Click on "View Tasks" to display all tasks in a table format.
- Enter the Task ID you want to mark as complete and click "Mark Task as Complete."
- Enter the Task ID you want to delete and click "Delete Task."
- Click on "Save Tasks" to save the current task list to a JSON file.
- A button will appear to download the task list as a JSON file.
├── task_manager.py # Main Python script for the Task Manager CLI
├── tasks.json # JSON file to store tasks (created automatically)
├── task_manager.log # Log file for tracking actions and errors
├── README.md # Documentation for the project
└── requirements.txt # Optional: Dependencies for the project