Given a shared memory which can be accessed by mulitple users.This shared memory is considered as ticket details available for a ticket reservation system with concurrent process.The consistency of data should be maintained after multiple purchases and refunds.
During shared memory accessed by Multiple users, the consistency is affected by RACE Condition
A race condition occurs when two or more threads can access shared data and they try to change it at the same time.
For Example , take below table :
Thread-1 | Thread-2 | Shared Memory |
100-1 = 99 | 100-1 = 99 | 100 |
100-1 = 99 | 100-1 = 99 | 100 |
100-1 = 99 | 100-1 = 99 | 100 |
Final shared memory | 99 |
For example:
Consider the process without concurrency control in multi threading. Lets assume user defined customers is 3 and 5 ticket collectors
All the threads starts to use shared memory and two or more thread modify the same memory.
Customers - 3
Ticket Collectors - 5
So the process took place will be erroneous.Below screenshot is a example without synchronization which gives wrong output of 101.
This problem can be solved with the help of concurrency control mechanisms.So that threads work in synchronized manner.
With java,multithreading is achieved to make a concurrent process and consistency is achieved for each transactions.
Race condition can be handled by Mutex or Semaphores.
In java, Synchronized keyword is traditionally used for concurrency control and synchronization.Now Re-entrant Lock is a (type of MUTEX) used which is more efficient than traditional synchronized blocks.
Consider a RACE condition where many threads starts to compete to run a specific task.
Thread-1 | Thread-2 | Shared Memory |
100-1 = 99 | 100-1 = 99 | 100 |
99-1 = 98 | 99-1 = 98 | 99 |
98-1 = 97 | 98-1 = 97 | 98 |
Final shared memory | 97 |
By using Re-entrant Lock the shared memory used by particular thread can be locked until completion.Only after completing this can be used by other thread.
By using Re-entrant lock the consitency of the shared memory is maintained. RACE condition is avoided in below screenshot with lock gives correct output of 97.
Polling is a concept of frequent checking of process completion which is not a efficient mechanism.It can be solved with notification from producer to consumer.There are 3 patterns…
- BroadCast
- Atleast N
- Atmost N
These 3 Patterns can be written as a custom protocol like two phase commit.
Two Phase commit is a protocol where there are 2 states
- Prepare state - used to check whether each can commit.
- Commit state - when prepare state gives yes it commits otherwise it aborts transaction.
These patterns are made as methods of a MessageProtocol class which can use based on needs.An Acknowledgement should be received by the server from subscriber.
When all subscriber with acknowledgement need to receive message BroadCast() is used.
When atleast n active subscriber with acknowledgement need to receive else no one can receive is sendAtleastN(). When atmost n active subscriber with acknowledgement need to receive else no one can receive is sendNeverMoreThanN().
These protocol is functioned with producer who sends the message and Thread is created for MessageSubscriber.
This works by thread and processed and in concurrent way.To simulate the working,the thread is started with run() with all three patterns.
Previously the subscriber list is fixed in size so cannot be used for real-time dynamic solutions.
Now the CopyOnWriteArrayList<>() is used which is used for multi threading process which updates the list by taking a copy of the list , it will be dynamic and flexible by removing final variables and objects.
Based on the current status of the subscribers, the messages may sent or may not sent.
The minimum active user and maximum active user can be user-defined so it is more useful in practical implementation.