This repository contains solutions to 100 popular coding questions from the TCS NQT Coding Sheet. Each problem is categorized by topic, with clear solutions to help you prepare for TCS NQT and similar tests.
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Problems |
Find the smallest number in an array |
Find the largest number in an array |
Second Smallest and Second Largest element in an array |
Reverse a given array |
Count frequency of each element in an array |
Rearrange array in increasing-decreasing order |
Calculate sum of the elements of the array |
Rotate array by K elements - Block Swap Algorithm |
Average of all elements in an array |
Find the median of the given array |
Remove duplicates from a sorted array |
Remove duplicates from unsorted array |
Adding Element in an array |
Find all repeating elements in an array |
Find all non-repeating elements in an array |
Find all symmetric pairs in array |
Maximum product subarray in an array |
Replace each element of the array by its rank in array |
Sorting elements of an array by frequency |
Rotation of elements of array- left and right |
Finding equilibrium index of an array |
Finding Circular rotation of an array by K positions |
Sort an array according to the order defined by another |
Search an element in an array |
Check if Array is a subset of another array or not |
Problems |
Check if a number is palindrome or not |
Find all Palindrome numbers in a given range |
Check if a number is prime or not |
Prime numbers in a given range |
Check if a number is armstrong number or not |
Check if a number is perfect number |
Even or Odd |
Check whether a number is positive or negative |
Sum of first N natural numbers |
Find Sum of AP Series |
Program to find sum of GP Series |
Greatest of two numbers |
Greatest of three numbers |
Leap Year or not |
Reverse digits of a number |
Maximum and Minimum digit in a number |
Print Fibonacci up to Nth Term |
Factorial of a number |
Power of a number |
Factors of a given number |
Print all prime factors of the given number |
Check if a number is a strong number or not |
Check if a Number is Automorphic |
GCD of two numbers |
LCM of two numbers |
Check if a number is Harshad number |
Check if the number is abundant number or not |
Sum of digits of a number |
Sum of numbers in the given range |
Permutations in which N people can occupy R seats |
Program to add two fractions |
Replace all 0s with 1s in a given integer |
Can a number be expressed as a sum of two prime numbers |
Calculate the area of circle |
Program to find roots of a Quadratic Equation |
Problems |
Convert Binary to Decimal |
Convert binary to octal |
Decimal to Binary conversion |
Convert decimal to octal |
Convert octal to binary |
Convert octal to decimal |
Convert digits/numbers to words |
Problems |
Bubble Sort Algorithm |
Selection Sort Algorithm |
Insertion Sort Algorithm |
Quick Sort Algorithm |
Merge sort algorithm |
Problems |
Check if a given string is palindrome or not |
Count number of vowels, consonants, spaces in String |
Find the ASCII value of a character |
Remove all vowels from the string |
Remove spaces from a string |
Remove characters from a string except alphabets |
Reverse a String |
Remove brackets from an algebraic expression |
Sum of the numbers in a String |
Capitalize first and last character of each word |
Calculate frequency of characters in a string |
Find Non-repeating characters of a String |
Check if two strings are anagram of each other |
Count common sub-sequence in two strings [DP] [Unsolved] |
Check if two strings match where one string contains wildcard [DP] [Unsolved] |
Return maximum occurring character in the input string |
Remove all duplicates from the input string |
Print all the duplicates in the input string |
Remove characters from first string present in the second |
Change every letter with the next lexicographic alphabet |
Find the largest word in a given string |
Sort characters in a string |
Count number of words in a given string |
Find a word with the highest number of repeated letters |
Change case of each character in a string |
Concatenate one string to another |
Find a substring within a string |
Reverse words in a string |