Code to accompany Harvey Merton and Thomas Delamore's final year research project at UoA. Please reference the following paper if you're using this code in an academic context:
H. Merton, T. Delamore, K. Stol, and H. Williams, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Local Path Following of an Autonomous Formula SAE Vehicle," in Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, Sydney, Australia: Australian Robotics and Automation Association, Dec. 2023. ISBN 978-0-6455655-2-2, ISSN: 1448-2053. Available:
This code is built off various repositories but mostly the FSSIM and fsd_skeleton repositories by AMZ Driverless, ku2482's gail-airl-ppo RL implementation and The University of Auckland's CARES stereo camera repositories. This README file is based off the README in the fsd_skeleton repository as this repository forms the higher-level structure of the workspace.
Original repositories: FSSIM: fsd_skeleton: gail-airl-ppo:
CARES custom ROS messages: Pylon stereo camera image publishing: Stereo camera calibration: Stereo camera marker detection:
The code is organised in several top level packages/directories. The top level should adhere to the following subdivision of functionality (a more detailed description can be found in the folders themselves):
fsd_common/ - top-level launchfiles, and other files used by many packages
perception/ - folder for perception packages
estimation/ - folder for estimation packages
control/ - folder for control packages
ROS Packages should be added in one of the top level work-package folders. The top level work-package folders themselves should not be used to store ros package information. The directory tree for lidar would look like:
|__ src
|__ 0_fsd_common
| |__ fsd_common_meta
| | |__ missions
| |__ fsd_common_msgs
|__ 1_perception
| |__ perception_meta
| |__ lidar_cone_detection
| | |__ package.xml
| | |__ CMakeLists.txt
| | |__ ...
|__ 2_estimation
| |__ estimation_meta
| |__ velocity_estimator
|__ 3_control
Once running update_dependencies
, some aliases for commands will be added. Restart the terminal and the following commands will be available:
: sources environment from anywhereFSD_cd
: change directory to root directory of skeleton_repoFSD_build
: clean and build project (catkin clean and catkin build)FSD_launch_acceleration
: launch mission, e.g. acceleration, trackdrive, autox etcFSD_rviz_acceleration
: launch RVIZ with custom config for mission, e.g. acceleration, trackdrive, autox etcFSD_ATS
: run automated test
Look atfsd_aliases
to see full list, or add more custom aliases.
1 Clone the repository:
cd ~
git clone
2 Install dependencies
cd ~/uoa_fsd
Add extra dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
3 Build workspace
cd ~/uoa_fsd
catkin build
4 Source environment
Assuming you've run ./
succesfully and restarted the terminal.
cd ~/uoa_fsd
source devel/setup.bash
TIP: to avoid having to source the workspace upon every terminal launch, add 'source devel/setup.bash' to the .bashrc file (hidden file located in ~/ directory)
5 Test setup
roslaunch fssim_interface fssim.launch
in new terminal
roslaunch fsd_common_meta trackdrive.launch
You should see the FSSIM open and a green line appear on the track to mark the trajectory. If the sim is setup for pure pursuit, the vehicle will follow the green line.
We use the naming conventions defined at
, lowercase and _
as separator, e.g. lidar
, lowercase and _
as separator, e.g. lidar_trimmer
, as to make it clear what the package is used for.
, lowercase and _
as separator. Can be short.
, lowercase and _
as separator.
for message filenames. Message types are always CamelCase, whereas message fields are lowercase and _
as separator, e.g.
Header header
Float64 my_float
geometry_msgs/Point my_point
Google Style (
- Files:
, exception for.msg
. - Classes/types:
- Functions/methods:
- Variables:
and DESCRIPTIVE. - Constants:
. - Global variables: AVOID except special cases. Rather have parameters defined in
PEP-8 style (
Markdown syntax (
- Update to Python3, ROS Noetic and Ubuntu Bionic