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OpenSource Modern WebsocketClient for Android, Windows, Linux, Web, (and Mac, Iphone theoretically)


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OpenSource Websocket Client v1.6




  • This is an OpenSource project - so everyone is welcome to make further improvements (issues, feature requests, pull requests, ...).
  • This is a simple WebsocketClient-Application with Input-Completition and some small nice features. You can use SecureWebsockets (SSL) or normal Websockets.
  • Connect to multiple servers at the same time.
  • Save messages and Auto-Complete
  • Modern Chat-like design
  • Multiple themes
  • All platforms supported
  • Nice JSON-Data formatting
  • Binary message supported
  • Basic Authentification supported
  • Sec-WebSocket-Protocol supported
  • Custom AES-Ecryption
  • Message Presets - Available: Crescience and RTOC

Example Ionic5 React project

This app can be seen as an Ionic5 React example, that can be deployed on all available platforms with the following features:

  • Automatic language detection (with custom translation files)
  • Using storage
  • Using Websocket connections
  • Custom-AES-Encryption

I provide platform-specific instructions in this readme below.


Setup this project

Prerequirements: You need to have Ionic 5 installed

If you want build this Websocket Client by your own, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository and go to it's directory
  2. Execute npm install to install the dependencies
  3. Run local server with ionic serve


To build this App for any system you need to build it with ionic first

'ionic build --release'

The output will be in the "build" folder.

Build for the Web

The build-process for the web is already finished. You just need the "build" folder.

Go into the "build" folder and execute serve -p 8050 to run the App at port 8050.

Build for Android

Prerequirements: You need to have Android Studio installed

You need to add Android with capacitor only once:

ionic capacitor add android

Then you can copy the build to AndroidStudio

ionic capacitor copy android

After this you need to open Android Studio and build the apk

npx cap open android

You may want to edit the /App/stc/main/AndroidManifest.xml and add these two lines


in the 'application' tag

And also you dont want to have an Ionic Icon and Ionic Loading screen? Then replace all 'splash.png' in the 'android\app\src\main\res\drawable*' folders and all icons in the 'android\app\src\main\res\mipmap*' folder. Annoying -> Good that we have tools like this and that

Build for Windows, Linux, Mac with electron

Prerequirements: You need electron installed

You need to add Electron with capacitor only once :

ionic capacitor add electron Then edit the 'index.js' file in the "electron" folder

let useSplashScreen = false;

Then edit the'package.json' file in your root-directory: "homepage": ".", This is somehow needed Copy your build to electron: npx cap copy

Important: Change -> in electron/app/index.html

Go to the Electron directory cd electron and test, if electron works npm run electron:start.

Then you can build it for all systems:

electron-packager . --platform=win32 --overwrite
electron-packager . --platform=darwin --overwrite
electron-packager . "WebSocketClient" --all --overwrite

Exeutables will be in electron/capacitor-app-*/

Upload to firebase

Prerequirements: You need a firebase-account and firebase installed and configured

Initialize firebase for this App once: firebase init and follow the guide.

Then you can upload you build with firebase deploy

Extra: Build electron-windows-app (not working)

electron-windows-store --input-directory PATHTOAPP\electron --output-directory PATHTOAPP\WindowsStore --package-version --package-name WebsocketClient

Custom AES Encryption

The custom encryption consists of two parts:

  1. Encryption of every message with AES and first 16-chars of SHA256-Hash of provided password AES is used with IV=16random byte. These random bytes are append to the encrypted message.
  2. Additionally, the client sends a json to the server to get authentification (handshake): {authorize: FULL_SHA256_HASH}

Example systemd-service

# /etc/systemd/system/WebsocketClient.service

Description=RTOC Remote

ExecStart=/snap/bin/serve -p 8888 /home/**USER**/ModernWebsocketClient/build


After creating the file, you need to call sudo systemctl daemon-reload.

Then you can start the service with sudo systemctl start WebsocketClient.

To run it after boot: sudo systemctl enable WebsocketClient.

To get the log of the service: sudo journalctl -u WebsocketClient.

Example Apache2-Configuration (with SSL)

<VirtualHost *:80>

    ProxyPreserveHost On

    Redirect 301 / https://MYSERVERADRESS

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
<VirtualHost *:443>

    ProxyPreserveHost On
    ProxyRequests Off

    <Location />
       ProxyPass http://localhost:8888/
       ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8888/

       RewriteEngine on
       RewriteCond %{HTTP:UPGRADE} ^WebSocket$ [NC]
       RewriteCond %{HTTP:CONNECTION} Upgrade$ [NC]
       RewriteRule .* ws://localhost:8888%{REQUEST_URI} [P]

Don't forget to enable the apache-config with sudo a2ensite PAGENAME

To add SSL-Encryption, just call sudo certbot -d MYSERVERADRESS