HADropDown is a simple iOS drop down list written in Swift. It expands and collapses. It allows the user to select only one item at a time. Items are just Strings. A delegate is notified when selection occurs. HADropDown is IBDesignable and IBInspectable with customizable colors, font, and row heights.
Simply include HADropDown.swift in your project. HADropDown requires Swift 3.
Create a HADropDown in IB or in code (using UIView's init methods). Then add items and set a delegate:
dropDown.items = ["hello", "goodbye", "why?"] dropDown.delegate = self You can also implement HADropDownDelegate to get notified when an item is selected:
func didSelectItem(dropDown: HADropDown, at index: Int) {
print("Item selected at index \(index)")
The delegate can also optionally implement the method
func didShow(dropDown: HADropDown)
func didHide(dropDown: HADropDown)
to be notified when the collapse status of the menu changes.
Items can be added or removed
All properties can be manually modified.
Released under the MIT License. Copyright 2017-2018 Hassan Aftab. Please open issues on GitHub.