Welcome to my personal portfolio project! This project showcases my work, skills, and experiences. It's built to provide an overview of my professional journey and highlight some of the projects I've worked on.
This portfolio is a comprehensive display of my skills and experiences as a Computer Science student and software developer. It includes information about my background, education, professional experiences, and a selection of my projects.
It also Includes an AI you can talk to about me.
- React
- Vite
- JavaScript
- Three.js
- TailwindCSS
- FastAPI
- Python
- AWS API Gateway
- AWS Lambda
- OpenAI
- Responsive Design: Accessible and user-friendly on all devices.
- Dynamic 3D Graphics: Enhanced visual appeal and user engagement using Three.js.
- AI Chatbot: Personalized AI chatbot developed using FastAPI and OpenAI to enhance user interaction.
- Scalable Deployment: Utilized AWS API Gateway and Lambda for scalable, cost-efficient deployment, automated with AWS CDK.
- Project Showcase: Detailed information on selected projects, including descriptions, technologies used, and links to live demos and source code.
- Professional Background: Information about my education, experiences, and skills.
- Contact Information: Easy ways to get in touch with me for professional inquiries.
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/HassanChowdhry/Portfolio
Navigate to the project directory:
cd portfolio
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm start
After starting the development server, you can access the portfolio by navigating to http://localhost:5173
in your web browser.
Feel free to reach out to me for any professional inquiries or questions:
- Email: hassan.chowdhry@dal.ca
- LinkedIn: linkedin/in/hassanchowdhry
- Website: HassanChowdhry.live
Thank you for visiting my portfolio!