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A collection of plugins for use with Go.CD. Have a look at http://www.go.cd/ for more information on Go.CD itself.
Validate SonarQube quality gates from your go.cd pipeline. Checks if a specific quality gate in SonarQube is passed or if it is in error or warning state. This plugin can prevent further execution of the pipeline if a quality gate is not passed.SonarQube quality gate Wiki Page
Execute nessus security scans from go.CD. Configure your pipeline bahaviour based on the result of a scan. More at Nessus Scan Wiki Page
Manage a host on a Check_MK monitoring server from a go.cd pipeline. Add or remove hosts directly to Check_MK using pipelines. More at Check_MK Monitoring Wiki Page
Builds a docker image from you material, tags it with the tag you set, pushes it to a registry you specify and then cleans up everything. More at Docker pipeline plugin