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Create preprocess_data_for_clonevol.R
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joikuin authored Apr 21, 2023
1 parent d6942ea commit 774b213
Showing 1 changed file with 372 additions and 0 deletions.
372 changes: 372 additions & 0 deletions subclonal_cluster_filtering/preprocess_data_for_clonevol.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
# Script to prepare data to ClonEvol from Cyclone outputs
# Will filter clusters / mutations in them
# Small clusters (parameter per patient)
# Unreliable fitting to cluster
# part-of-trunc cluster(s) with CCF not fitting tree: clusters with >50% CCF within every sample
# 0-3 random cluster until model is found
# Lowers CCF for clusters above truncal cluster, will skip if too high (parameter overall)

for (package in c('devtools',
'dplyr')) {
library(package, character.only=T)

###### DATA ######
auto_parameters <- TRUE
parametersDir <- "ADD_DIR"
auto.dir <- TRUE

# Input specifications
auto_ignore_clust0 <- FALSE # In old pyclone cluster 0 was unspecific; TRUE if needs to be deleted
mut_probability_threshold = 0.6 # Cluster assignment probability threshold to exclude badly clustered mutations
correctChildCCFmax = 0.05 # How much variation is allowed in CCF values to correct for cluster with CCF higher than trunc?

# Which runs to make
compute_models = TRUE # If FALSE, will only make initial box plots
clonevol_plot = TRUE

# Plotting parameters
clone.colors <- NULL # If set, clones will be these particular colors in the plots.

# Other parameters
driver.genes.list <- c(

###### OPTIONAL PARAMETERS WHEN auto_parameters=FALSE ######
#patient <- "H011_test" # Output name
#patFileName <- "H011" # As in source files
#founding_cluster = NA # Original ID!
#outputDir <- "ADD_DIR" # output dir (will create subdir with 'patient' name)
#dataDir <- "/ADD_DIR" # input
#ignore_samples <- NA # names of samples to ignore
#min_vaf_now <- 0.05 # min VAF to use
#min_clust_size <- 10
#min_clusters_ignored = 0
#max_clusters_ignored = 1
#manually_ignored_clusters <- c(1,2) # (options: list or NULL)
#merge_clusters <- NA # List of elements of 2 clusters to merge. Original IDs! Even when doing only 1 merge, it has to be a list (i.e. list(c(1,2))). It's possible to combine 3 or more i.e. list(c(1,2),c(1,3)) <- #combines 1,2,3

###### READ PARAMETERS FOR WHEN auto_parameters=TRUE ######
# exclude marked patients
if (auto_parameters) {
parameters_list <- read.csv(parametersDir, header = TRUE, sep = '\t')
parameters_list <- parameters_list[!(parameters_list$include == 'no'),]
num.patients = length(parameters_list$patient)
} else {num.patients = 1}

# Basic info per patient
patientInfo <- data.frame(patient=character(),
# If redo run, skip manual ignores since no need to check
# read coverage data here if wanted, now excluded everywhere

## GET DATA ##
# run each patient
for (i in 1:num.patients) {
# get parameters from file per individual
if (auto_parameters) {
# GET parameters
patient <- as.character(parameters_list$patient[i])
patFileName <- as.character(parameters_list$pat.file[i])
if ($founding[i])) {
founding_cluster <- NA
} else {
founding_cluster <- as.numeric(parameters_list$founding[i])
ignore_samples <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(parameters_list$ignore.samples[i]),','))
min_vaf_now <- parameters_list$min.vaf[i]
min_clust_size <- parameters_list$min.clust.size[i]
min_clusters_ignored <- parameters_list$min.ignored[i]
max_clusters_ignored <- parameters_list$max.ignored[i]
manually_ignored_clusters <- as.character(parameters_list$manually.ignored[i])
merge_clusters <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(parameters_list$merge[i]),';'))
ccf_error <- parameters_list$ccf.error[i]
if (auto.dir) {
dataDir <- as.character(parameters_list$input[i])
outputDir <- as.character(parameters_list$output[i])
if (ignore_samples[1] == "-") {ignore_samples <- NA}
if (manually_ignored_clusters[1] == "-") {
manually_ignored_clusters <- NA
} else { manually_ignored_clusters <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(manually_ignored_clusters),',')) }
if (merge_clusters[1] == "-") {merge_clusters <- NA}
if (ccf_error == "-") {ccf_error <- 0.05}
ccf_error <- ccf_error * 100
correctChildCCFmax <- ccf_error

# Input data file
fileDir <- paste0(dataDir, patFileName, ".csv")
# Setup output folder
subDir <- patient
dir.create(file.path(outputDir, subDir), showWarnings = FALSE)
setwd(file.path(outputDir, subDir))

HEADING <- c("founding cluster","ignore samples","minimum cluster size", "manually ignored clusters","merged clusters")
VALUES <- c(founding_cluster, ignore_samples, min_clust_size, paste(manually_ignored_clusters,collapse=","), paste(merge_clusters,collapse = ';') )
parameters <- data.frame(HEADING, VALUES)

init_file <- read.csv(fileDir, header = TRUE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#set missing std values to 0
if(sum($cellular_prevalence_std)) > 0) {
init_file[$cellular_prevalence_std),]$cellular_prevalence_std <- 0
patientInfo[i,]$patient <- patient


####### READ AND SETUP #######
# Delete ignored samples
if (! {
init_file <- init_file[! init_file$sample_id %in% ignore_samples,]
# ignore mutations less than selected probability threshold, but never remove more than half!
if (median(init_file$cluster_assignment_prob) < mut_probability_threshold) {
init_file <- init_file[init_file$cluster_assignment_prob > median(init_file$cluster_assignment_prob),]
} else {
init_file <- init_file[init_file$cluster_assignment_prob > mut_probability_threshold,]
# list samples
sample_list <- unique(init_file$sample_id)
# Identify founding cluster:
# select highest freq cluster as clonal cluster if not selected by user
if ( {
bestClusters <- summarise(summarise(group_by(init_file, cluster_id), mean_CCF=mean(cellular_prevalence)),topcluster=which.max(mean_CCF))
founding_cluster <- unique(init_file$cluster_id)[bestClusters$topcluster[1]]
# Reformat CCFs: every sample to own column
x = init_file[init_file$sample_id == sample_list[1],c("mutation_id","cluster_id")]
colnames(x) <- c("mutation_id","cluster")
for (j in 1:length(sample_list)) {
x[sample_list[[j]]] <- init_file$cellular_prevalence[init_file$sample_id == sample_list[j]] * 50
# save original cellular prevalences if needed
# add distribution to variants based on SD, mean and error (SD not read separately)
for (j in unique(x$cluster)) {
for (samplecol in unique(sample_list)) {
# if detected, add variation from normal distribution + selected error
if(mean(x[x$cluster==j,samplecol]) >= min_vaf_now*100 ) {
# error can't be larger than frequency:
used_error <- min(ccf_error,mean(x[x$cluster==j,samplecol]))
# add variation
x[x$cluster==j,samplecol] = rnorm(nrow(x[x$cluster==j,]),
mean = init_file[init_file$sample_id == samplecol & init_file$cluster_id == j,]$cellular_prevalence[1],
sd = init_file[init_file$sample_id == samplecol & init_file$cluster_id == j,]$cellular_prevalence_std[1] + used_error/100)
# transform back to VAF as clonevol wants
x[x$cluster==j,samplecol] = x[x$cluster==j,samplecol] *50
if (min(x[x$cluster==j,samplecol]) < 0 ) {
for (k in 1:nrow(x[x$cluster==j,])) {
if (x[x$cluster==j,samplecol][k] < 0) { x[x$cluster==j,samplecol][k] = 0 }
# if too large values, lower because clonevol does not allow them
if (mean(x[x$cluster==j,samplecol]) > 50) {
this_difference <- mean(x[x$cluster==j,samplecol]) -50
x[x$cluster==j,samplecol] = x[x$cluster==j,samplecol] - this_difference -0.1
} }
x <- x[order(x$cluster),]

# PLOT data with original cluster IDs and without mutation count threshold
if (clonevol_plot) {
pdf(paste(patient, 'box.pdf', sep = '_'), useDingbats = FALSE)
pp <- plot.variant.clusters(x, = 'cluster',
show.cluster.size = FALSE,
cluster.size.text.color = 'blue',
vaf.col.names = sample_list,
vaf.limits = 50,
sample.title.size = 6,
violin = FALSE,
box = FALSE,
jitter = TRUE,
jitter.color = clone.colors,
jitter.alpha = 1, = 'median', = 1, = 'darkgray', = 'none',
highlight = 'is.driver',
highlight.shape = 21,
highlight.color = 'blue',
highlight.fill.color = 'green', = 'gene',
highlight.note.size = 1,
base_size = 8,
plot.margin = 1,
vaf.suffix = '',
jitter.size = 0.25,
jitter.shape = 'circle', = TRUE)

####### FILTER CLUSTERS #######
# Exclude clusters by min number of variants
filtered_clusters <- vector()
mutations_filtered = 0
for (j in unique(x$cluster)) {
if ( (length(which(x$cluster == j))) <= min_clust_size) {
filtered_clusters <- c(filtered_clusters, j)
mutations_filtered <- mutations_filtered + length(which(x$cluster == j))
x <- x[!(x$cluster == j),]
} }

# if redo, skip exclusions completely (not within clonevol run)
if(redo) {
x <- x[!(x$cluster %in% manually_ignored_clusters),]
manually_ignored_clusters <- NA

#exclude 0-cluster if needed
if (auto_ignore_clust0) {
x <- x[!(x$cluster == 0),]

# Rename clusters: numbers from 1 to N where 1 is for founding cluster
x$cluster_new = NA
newcode = 2
for (j in unique(x$cluster)) {
if(j == founding_cluster) {
x[x$cluster == j,]$cluster_new = 1
} else {
x[x$cluster == j,]$cluster_new = newcode
newcode = newcode +1
} }

# ADD DRIVER gene info
x$gene <- NA
for (j in 1:nrow(x)) {
x[j,]$gene <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(x[j,]$mutation_id),':'))[3]
x$is.driver <- FALSE
if(sum(x$gene %in% driver.genes.list) > 0) {
x[x$gene %in% driver.genes.list,]$is.driver <- TRUE

# get new codes for manual ignores
clone_codes = unique(x[,c("cluster","cluster_new")])
manually.ignored.clusters = manually_ignored_clusters
if(! {
manually.ignored.clusters = clone_codes[clone_codes$cluster %in% manually_ignored_clusters,]$cluster_new
# clone sizes
clone_codes$size <- 0
clone_codes$status <- "OK"
for (thisclone in clone_codes$cluster_new) {
clone_codes[clone_codes$cluster_new == thisclone,]$size <- nrow(x[x$cluster_new == thisclone,])
if(thisclone == 1) { clone_codes[clone_codes$cluster_new == thisclone,]$status = "trunc"}

# save cluster freqs (for SubMARine (
clonefreqs <- clone_codes
#clonestds <- clone_codes
for (sample in sample_list) {
clonefreqs[,sample] <- 0
#clonestds[,sample] <- 0
for (clone in unique(clonefreqs$cluster_new)) {
clonefreqs[clonefreqs$cluster_new == clone,sample] <- mean(x[x$cluster_new == clone, sample])
} }

# 1. Check if all freqs 50% or more compared to trunc
for (clone in clonefreqs[clonefreqs$status == "OK",]$cluster_new) {
all_over_half = TRUE
for (sample in sample_list) {
if (clonefreqs[clonefreqs$cluster_new == clone,sample] < clonefreqs[clonefreqs$status == "trunc",sample] / 2 ) { all_over_half = FALSE }
if (all_over_half == TRUE) { clonefreqs[clonefreqs$cluster_new == clone,]$status = "possibly_part_of_trunc" }

#clonefreqs <- clonefreqs[,c("cluster_new",sample_list)]
colnames(clonefreqs)[1] <- "cluster_orig"
write.table(clonefreqs, paste0(patient, "_cluster_info.csv"), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)

## Modify cluster CCFs if within range (based on parameter correctChildCCFmax) and larger than trunc
for (sample in sample_list) {
for (clone in unique(clonefreqs$cluster_new)) {
this_difference = clonefreqs[clonefreqs$cluster_new == clone,sample] - clonefreqs[clonefreqs$cluster_new == 1,sample]
if (clone != 1 & this_difference >= 0 & this_difference < correctChildCCFmax) {
### if difference is within accepted range, lower child cluster's CCF trunc_CCF - 0.1%
x[x$cluster_new == clone,sample] <- x[x$cluster_new == clone,sample] - this_difference - 0.1
} else if (clone != 1 & this_difference > 0 & this_difference > correctChildCCFmax) {
### ignore cluster as there is no place in the model
manually.ignored.clusters = unique(c(clone,manually.ignored.clusters))

# Box plot again but with filtered clusters and driver genes
if (clonevol_plot) {
pdf(paste(patient, 'box_filtered_drivers.pdf', sep = '_'), useDingbats = FALSE)
pp <- plot.variant.clusters(x, = 'cluster_new',
show.cluster.size = FALSE,
cluster.size.text.color = 'blue',
vaf.col.names = sample_list,
vaf.limits = 50,
sample.title.size = 6,
violin = FALSE,
box = FALSE,
jitter = TRUE,
jitter.color = clone.colors,
jitter.alpha = 1, = 'median', = 1, = 'darkgray', = 'none',
highlight = 'is.driver',
highlight.shape = 21,
highlight.color = 'blue',
highlight.fill.color = 'green', = 'gene',
highlight.note.size = 2,
base_size = 8,
plot.margin = 1,
vaf.suffix = '',
jitter.size = 0.25,
jitter.shape = 'circle', = TRUE)

x$cluster_old = x$cluster
x$cluster = x$cluster_new
x <- x[order(x$cluster),]

# Save formatted and filtered file
write.table(x, paste(patient, "formatted_filtered.csv", sep = '_'), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
patientInfo[i,]$ignores <- manually.ignored.clusters
write.table(patientInfo, "patient_ignores_for_clonevol.csv", sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)

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