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Releases: HealthCatalyst/healthcareai-r


06 Aug 18:33
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For R 4.0.0, dplyr 1.0.0, and tibble 3.0.0.


28 Feb 18:47
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Fixes for glm and R 3.6.
Coincides with the CRAN 2.4.0 release.


16 Dec 10:04
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  • healthcareai now depends on recipes 0.1.4 and caret 6.0.81. You will need these versions or later. Various hidden changes were made to be compatible with these packages' latest breaking changes.
  • bagimpute in prep_data now accepts bag_trees to specify the number of trees. This is updated to be compatible with recipes 0.1.4.
  • Local loaded healthcareai library versions now are saved to model objects.

Lone Peak

01 Sep 22:47
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  • Support for models of outcomes with more than two classes (multiclass).
  • Explore a model's logic with explore. Make counterfactual predictions across the most-important features in a model to see how those features influence predicted outcomes.
    • plot method to visualize a model's logic.
  • Identify opportunities to improve a patient's outcome with Patient Impact Predictor, pip. Carefully specify variables and alternative values that exert causal influence on outcomes; then get recommended actions for a given patient with expected outcomes given the actions.
  • Predict outcome groups based on how bad false alarms are relative to missed detections (outcome_groups argument to predict).
  • Group predictions into risk groups using the risk_groups argument to predict.
    • plot support for outcome- and risk-group predictions.
  • Get thresholds to split outcome classes to optimize various performance metrics with get_thresholds.
    • plot method to compare performance across metrics at various thresholds.
  • split_train_test can keep multiple observations of an individual in the same split via the grouping_col argument.
  • Replace values that represent missingness but have been interpreted by R as strings with NA with make_na.
    • If missingness finds any such strings it issues a warning with code that can be used to do the replacement.
  • Add counts to factor levels with rename_with_counts.
  • summary.missingness method for wide datasets with missingness in many columns.


  • In prep_data, trigonometric transformations make circular features out of dates and times for more informative features in less-wide data frames.
  • Fixed AUPR in plot.model_class and summary.model_class.
  • Can specify performance metric to optimize in machine_learn.
  • missingness is faster.
  • Regression prediction plots are plotted at 1:1 aspect ratio.
  • add_best_levels works in deployment even if none of the columns to be created are present in the deployment observations.
  • prep_data can handle logical features.
  • outcome doesn't need to be re-declared in model training if it was specified in data prep.


  • No longer support training models on un-prepped data.
  • No longer support wrapping caret-trained models into a model_list.

White Baldy

12 Jul 05:07
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  • pima_meds dataset to accompany pima_diabetes


  • Fixed a bug where predicting on XGBoost could fail if column order was different from training

Snowmass Mountain

29 Jun 23:48
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  • Identify values of high-cardinality variables that will make good features, even with multiple values per observation with add_best_levels and get_best_levels.
  • glmnet for regularized linear and logistic regression.
  • interpret and plot.interpret to extract glmnet estimates.
  • XGBoost for regression and classification models.
  • variable_importance returns random forest or xgboost importances, whichever model performs better.


  • predict can now write an extensive log file, and if that option is activated, as in production, predict is a safe function that always completes; if there is an error, it returns a zero-row data frame that is otherwise the same as what would have been returned (provided prep_data or machine_learn was used).
  • Control how low variance must be to remove columns by providing a numeric value to the remove_near_zero_variance argument of prep_data.
  • Fixed bug in missingness that caused very small values to round to zero.
  • Messages about time required for model training are improved.
  • separate_drgs returns NA for complication when the DRG is missing.
  • Removed some redundent training data from model_list objects.
  • methods is attached on attaching the package so that scripts operate the same in Rscript, R GUI, and R Studio.
  • Minor changes to maintain compatibility with ggplot2, broom, and recipes.


  • Removed support for k-nearest neighbors
  • Remove support for maxstat splitting rule in random forests

Kings Peak

20 Apr 23:03
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This release introduces a new package architecture and API. Please visit to learn more.

Version 2.0 BETA

03 Apr 02:51
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Version 2.0 BETA Pre-release

This is a beta version of a new package architecture. Please provide feedback here.

Final Fir

14 Feb 18:30
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This is a patch to conform to CRAN policy about not writing to any user directory other than the working directory; the package had previously had tests that wrote to a sqlite file in inst/extdata.

v2.0 is coming soon, which introduces an entirely new architecture and breaking changes across the package. A startup message warning about these coming changes has been added.

Prolific Pines

21 Dec 05:29
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  • Maintains compatibility with new versions of ranger and caret.
  • Improves hyperparameter tuning in RandomForestDevelopment