See user-manual in this directory for details.
Licensed under AGPL V 3.0
Requires Java 22+
To build:
cd <top level directory>
./mvnw clean install
Please see the GitHub Action file maven.yml for an example of how to set up and run your maven build successfully.
Prime Mover is now Soot Free. The framework now uses the JVM Virtual Threads from Project Loom to provide the blocking thread continuation mechanism required for blocking events. The Prime Mover event transform is now implemented by an ASM based transform.
Currently, Prime Mover is in active development and does not publish to maven central. Rather, periodic snapshots (and releases when they happen) will be uploaded to the repo-hell repository. If you would like to use Prime Mover maven artifacts, you'll need to add the following repository declarations to your pom.xml The maven coordinates for individual artifacts are found below.
The artifact required for simulation runtime
The artifact required for simulation transform. This module contains the ASM based event transformer framework. The transformer uses ClassGraph to provide the scanning mechanism to obtain the classes to transform.S
The plugin required to transform simulation code. This plugin runs after compilation for either main or test classes and will perform the simulation transform on classes in the target output directory, overwriting these class files with the transformed class.
Because Prime Mover is a byte code rewriting framework, if you don't rewrite the bytecodes, you won't get the behavior that you're looking for. When you're working in the IDE, such as Eclipse, it would be super cool if you didn't have to run all your tests and main() applications outside of Eclipse. Luckily, if you use Maven and in particular, the Maven integration into Eclipse (i.e. M2E) then it turns out that it's pretty simple to integrate the PrimeMover Maven plugin into the plugin management of your pom.xml. To do so, simply add the following in the pom of your project:
Note that it is important to have the PrimeMover plugin run incrementally. Further, it needs to be hooked into both the transform and transform-test phases of the maven lifecycle.
Once this is done, the PrimeMover byte code transformation will run incrementally as you edit your code. When you run your unit tests (and you have them, right ;) ) they will run as transformed PrimeMover simulations.
For an example of this, please see the "demo" module's pom.xml in this project.
If you want to run the Prime Mover plugin integrated into your IDE, note that your Maven IDE integration has to meet the same requirements to run Prime Mover - i.e. JVM 21+. Exactly how to accomplish this varies by IDE and even operating system.