- Codewars tasks.
- YP tasks.
Codewars solutions:
- Count the divisors of a number
- Strong Number (Special Numbers Series #2)
- Find the vowels
- Split The Bill
- Thinkful - Object Drills: Quarks
- Simple Fun #7: Will You
- A Rule of Divisibility by 7
- Elevator Distance
- Chmod calculator in octal
- Multiples of 3 or 5
- Convert string to camel case
- Does my number look big in this?
- Pair of gloves
- Multiplication table
- Simple frequency sort
- Roman Numerals Decoder
- Perfect Square
- Find the unique number
- Bouncing Balls
- SHA-256 Cracker
- Counting Duplicates
- Compare powers
- Split Strings
- Collatz
- How many pages in a book?
- Check if two words are isomorphic to each other
- Message Validator
- Where is my parent!?
- Simple number triangle
- Rotate Array
- New Cashier Does Not Know About Space or Shift
- Count the smiley faces!
- Count characters in your string
- Millipede of words
- Detect Pangram
- Permute a Palindrome
- Linked Lists - Remove Duplicates
- Consonant value
- Sorting by bits
- Hamming Distance
- Polynomials II: Coefficients In a List
- PaginationHelper
- Weight for weight
- Moving Zeros To The End
- RGB To Hex Conversion
- Pete, the baker
- Numbers that are a power of their sum of digits
- String incrementer
- Scramblies
- First non-repeating character
- Regex Password Validation
- Number of trailing zeros of N!
- Sum of Pairs
- ISBN-10 Validation
- Biggest Sum
Kata names:
- Sum of Intervals
- So Many Permutations!
- Strip Comments
- One Line Task: Zero Or One
- Binary multiple of 3