A PHP class for listing directories, with different output options.
Initiating the class:
$DR = new dirlisting(); By default this will do a scan on the current directory, assigned by "getcwd()". You can stop it doing so by doing this; $DR = new dirlisting(false);
Scanning a directory:
$DR->scanfld(); This will scan the current directory, assigned by "getcwd()".
$DR->scanfld('/random/directory'); This will scan the given directory.
$DR->scanfld('/random/directory', true); This will do a recursive scan on the given directory.
$DR->scanfld('/random/directory', true, array('.exe', '.bin')); This will do a recursive scan, ignoring files with the extenstions '.exe' and '.bin', on the given directory.
Outputting a scan:
You can buffer outputs from the CLI and HTML functions by first doing; $DR->chgsetting('return',true); This will "return" the output, for either CLI or HTML, to the function that called it.
$DR->clioutput(); This will output the result of the last scan in an easy to read manner for command lines, text documents, etc.
$DR->clioutput('/random/directory/within'); Same as above, but will start the output from the folder given.
$DR->htmloutput(); This will output the result of the last scan in a pre-formatted block of HTML.
$DR->htmloutput('/random/directory/within'); Same as above, but will start the output from the folder given.
$DR->arrayoutput(); This will return the result of the scan in an array.
$DR->arrayoutput('/random/directory/within'); Same as above, but will start the output from the folder given.