This fuction sets is refer to to implement reading the MNIST dataset
Background: I'm the begin to learn Machine Learning through Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow. There are some problems about example codes, when I start to learn in Classification section (CH3). The original method in sklearn method can't download MNIST dataset, so I start to refer to other solution to write the program to download the dataset, and show the data in program.
Descrition: There are four function in the, and I am goint t give you some introduction.
- download_mnist: Go to the THE MNIST DATABASE to download and decompress the dataset.
- load_file: Load the file which have already downloaded and transform the gz file to binary file
- load_mnist: Read the Binary file a and get the handwriting dataset and label
- showDigit: Show the specified digit when you give the image in the dataset
Image Size: The image size is 28 * 28, so the total size of image is 784 pixel
Train Set : 60000 images and label
Test Set : 10000 images and label
Details : In the THE MNIST DATABASE document, it tells us for each compress file is a binary file. We need to transform it to corresponding data type, and we can know the binary stroe format at the end of the document
** These code is my first try to decompress image, if there is any advice to my code, please give me some note , Thanks