Simple 2D Customizable Simpsons Game to play using Python3
The goal of the game is to bring Homer (H) from Alaska/Artic (top 6 rows of the grid) back to the town of Springfield (S).
However if Homer takes too long to travel out of Alaska he will freeze and you will lose the game. Also if Homer moves into the water (~) he drowns and the game is lost.
Finally the tireless agents of the EPA (E) will try to capture Homer and if that occurs the game is lost. You will be playing against the computer who will control the EPA, the game is on a turn-to-turn bases. A turn elapses when: Homer moves or you (the player) try to move him (Homer ignores the command or the player tries to move Homer onto a building), Homer stays on the same square (direction 5)
git clone
~$: cd Python-Simpsons-Game/
~$: python3 ./