Remove all code parsing the old bundlestats api which had been removed around 8PM October 30, 2019 UTC.
Reverted to default method of scraping the web page for the # sold/total paid stats. Increased time between scrapes to 1 min to reduce load with a default decay to 1 hour after 6 hours has passed.
option to ignore decay and keep timeout at 1 minute. -
Changed how Compact works to be more efficient, behavior has been changed to produced a new file with _merged or _compact suffix instead of modifying original file.
Note: due to the increased timeout and decay, the membackup option may result in more disk usage rather than less.
Known Issues:
- Sometimes when compacting multiple databases it may crash due to two identical timestamps in two separate databases having different paid/sold values. Temp Fix: merge the two databases first before compacting, this will overwrite any collisions.