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Attempt custom parser implementation issue #6
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TejasSC committed Sep 7, 2018
1 parent dafcda0 commit 12f1710
Showing 1 changed file with 133 additions and 112 deletions.
245 changes: 133 additions & 112 deletions src/Tui.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ import Brick.Widgets.Border
import Brick.Widgets.Border.Style
import Brick.Widgets.Center
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.List ((!!), insert)
import Text.Read (readEither)
import ProtoRoute.Ghcid (runGhci)
import ProtoRoute.Message ( MsgName (..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ toRule s = case s of
"required" -> SReq
"optional" -> SOpt
"repeated" -> SRep
_ -> SOpt

fromType :: SchemaType -> String
fromType t = case t of
Expand All @@ -84,49 +86,52 @@ toType s = case s of
"string" -> SText
"int32" -> SInt
"message" -> SMsg
_ -> SMsg

fieldToDisplay :: SchemaField -> (String, String)
fieldToDisplay (SchemaField sfr sft sfn) = (protoLine, description)
description = case sfr of
SReq -> "Must give " ++ fromType sft ++ " here for valid msg"
SOpt -> "Nothing or Just <yourValue>, must be of type " ++ fromType sft
SRep -> "Empty list i.e. [], or list of type " ++ fromType sft
SOpt -> "Nothing or Just <yourValue>, " ++ fromType sft
SRep -> "Empty list i.e. [], or " ++ fromType sft ++ " list"
protoLine = unwords [fromRule sfr, fromType sft, unFieldName sfn]

showSchema :: MessageSchema -> Widget ()
showSchema (MessageSchema smn sFields) =
setAttr ("MESSAGE NAME: " ++ unMsgName smn) $ map fieldToDisplay (init sFields)

setValue :: FieldName -> Widget ()
setValue s = case toFC msgSchema s of
Right SReq -> setAttr "Press enter: give value for new field"
[("Enter", "Type new value in string quotes")]
Right SOpt -> setAttr "Press enter: give optional value for new field"
[("Enter", "Type Nothing or Just \"yourValue\" ")]
Right SRep -> setAttr "Press enter: give repeated value for new field"
[("Enter", "Type list of values")]
Left _ -> onFieldName
setValue :: FieldName -> MessageSchema -> Widget ()
setValue s sch = case toFCTC sch s of
(Right SReq, _) -> setAttr "Press enter: give value for new field"
[("Enter", "Type new value in string quotes")]
(Right SOpt, _) -> setAttr "Press enter: give optional value for new field"
[("Enter", "Type Nothing or Just \"yourValue\" ")]
(Right SRep, _) -> setAttr "Press enter: give repeated value for new field"
[("Enter", "Type list of values")]
(Left _, _) -> onFieldName

unknownFields :: SchemaField
unknownFields = SchemaField { schemaFieldRule = SRep
, schemaFieldType = SText
, schemaFieldName = FN "_unknownFields"

msgSchema :: MessageSchema
msgSchema = MessageSchema { msgSchemaName = MN $ parseName fp
, msgSchemaFields = parseFields fp ++ [unknownFields]}
msgSchema :: IO MessageSchema
msgSchema = do
name <- parseName fp
stuff <- parseFields fp
return $ MessageSchema (MN name) (stuff ++ [unknownFields])
fp = "protobuf2.proto"
fp = "proto/protobuf2.proto"

parseName :: FilePath -> String
parseName :: FilePath -> IO String
parseName fp = do
content <- readFile fp
getName $ lines content
return $ name $ lines content
getName :: [String] -> String
getName parts = words (parts !! 1) !! 1
name :: [String] -> String
name parts = words (head parts) !! 1

parseField :: String -> SchemaField
parseField s = do
Expand All @@ -137,73 +142,86 @@ parseField s = do
toField sfr sft sfn
toField :: SchemaRule -> SchemaType -> FieldName -> SchemaField
toField r t n = SchemaField r t n
toField = SchemaField

parseFields :: FilePath -> [SchemaField]
parseFields :: FilePath -> IO [SchemaField]
parseFields fp = do
content <- readFile fp
let (_,fields) = splitAt 2 $ lines content
let (_,fields) = splitAt 3 $ lines content
-- toFields fields
map parseField (init fields)
toFields :: [String] -> [SchemaField]
toFields stuff = map parseField stuff

return $ map parseField (init fields)

toFC :: MessageSchema -> FieldName -> Either String SchemaRule
toFC (MessageSchema _ []) _ = Left "Invalid field"
toFC sch@(MessageSchema _ (SchemaField sfr _ sfn : sFields)) fn =
toFCTC :: MessageSchema
-> FieldName
-> (Either String SchemaRule, Either String SchemaType)
toFCTC (MessageSchema _ []) _ = (Left "Invalid field", Left "No fields")
toFCTC sch@(MessageSchema _ (SchemaField sfr sft sfn : sFields)) fn =
if fn == sfn
then Right sfr
else toFC (sch {msgSchemaFields = sFields}) fn

-- HARDCODED: Change so it accomodates any type of value
processFTV :: Either String SchemaRule -> String -> Either String FieldValue
processFTV field value = case field of
Right SReq -> FText . Req <$> readEither value
Right SOpt -> FInt . Opt <$> readEither value
Right SRep -> FInt . Rep <$> readEither value
then (Right sfr, Right sft)
else toFCTC (sch {msgSchemaFields = sFields}) fn

processFV :: (Read a)
=> Either String SchemaRule
-> String
-> Either String (TValue a)
processFV rule value = case rule of
Right SReq -> Req <$> readEither value
Right SOpt -> Opt <$> readEither value
Right SRep -> Rep <$> readEither value
Left _ -> Left "Invalid value"

processFTV :: (Either String SchemaRule, Either String SchemaType)
-> String
-> Either String FieldValue
processFTV (rule, schType) value = case schType of
Right SText -> FText <$> processFV rule value
Right SInt -> FInt <$> processFV rule value
Right SMsg -> FMsg <$> processFV rule value
Left _ -> Left "Wrong field names"

addMsgName :: IO MsgName
addMsgName = do
simpleMain $ vBox [onMsgName, setFieldName, showSchema msgSchema]
addMsgName :: MessageSchema -> IO MsgName
addMsgName sch = do
simpleMain $ vBox [onMsgName, setFieldName, showSchema sch]
msgName <- getLine
let mn = MN msgName
return mn

addFVPair :: IO (FieldName, FieldValue)
addFVPair = do
simpleMain $ vBox [setMsgName, onFieldName, showSchema msgSchema]
addFVPair :: MessageSchema -> IO (FieldName, FieldValue)
addFVPair sch = do
simpleMain $ vBox [setMsgName, onFieldName, showSchema sch]
putStrLn "If you are changing a value, type the same field name as before"
field <- getLine
let fn = FN field
let fc = toFC msgSchema fn
let fc = toFCTC sch fn
case fc of
Right _ -> do
simpleMain (setValue fn)
(Right _, Right _) -> do
simpleMain (setValue fn sch)
val <- getLine
let fv = either read id (processFTV fc val)
return (fn,fv)
Left _ -> addFVPair
_ -> addFVPair sch

completeField :: IO (FieldName, FieldValue)
completeField = do
(fn, fv) <- addFVPair
completeField :: MessageSchema -> IO (FieldName, FieldValue)
completeField sch = do
(fn, fv) <- addFVPair sch
putStrLn "Change this field's value? y to keep editing, any other key to continue"
choice <- getLine
if choice == "y"
then do
(fn2, fv2) <- addFVPair
(fn2, fv2) <- addFVPair sch
return (fn2, fv2)
else return (fn, fv)

serialize :: MsgName -> [(FieldName, FieldValue)] -> [MessageField] -> IO ()
serialize mn namesVals fields = do
serialize :: MsgName
-> [(FieldName, FieldValue)]
-> [MessageField]
-> MessageSchema
-> IO ()
serialize mn namesVals fields sch = do
let stringMsg = constructProtoMsg mn namesVals
let msg = Message {messageName = mn, messageFields = fields}
let validationWrong = validateMessage msgSchema msg
let msg = Message mn fields
let validationWrong = validateMessage sch msg
if validationWrong == Right ()
then runGhci stringMsg
else print validationWrong
Expand All @@ -213,59 +231,62 @@ replace n arg list = x ++ arg : ys
(x,_:ys) = splitAt n list

-- HARDCODED: change so it allows any number of fields + values to be entered
main :: IO ()
main = do
mn <- addMsgName
(fnA, fvA) <- completeField
let field1 = MessageField fnA fvA
(fnB, fvB) <- completeField
let field2 = MessageField fnB fvB
(fnC, fvC) <- completeField
let field3 = MessageField fnC fvC
let namesVals = [(fnA, fvA)
, (fnB, fvB)
, (fnC, fvC)
, (FN "_unknownFields", FText (Rep []))]
let fields = [field1, field2, field3]
serialize mn namesVals fields
changeFieldsOrNot mn namesVals fields
changeFieldsOrNot :: MsgName
-> [(FieldName, FieldValue)]
-> [MessageField]
-> IO ()
changeFieldsOrNot mn namesVals fields = do
putStrLn "Change any field's value? y for yes, s to serialize, any other key to quit"
choice <- getLine
if choice == "y"
then do
(newFN, newFV) <- completeField
if | newFN == messageFieldName (head fields) ->
let (newNamesVals, newFields) = doubleReplace 0 (newFN, newFV) namesVals fields
in changeFieldsOrNot mn newNamesVals newFields
| newFN == messageFieldName (fields!!1) ->
let (newNamesVals, newFields) = doubleReplace 1 (newFN, newFV) namesVals fields
in changeFieldsOrNot mn newNamesVals newFields
| otherwise ->
let (newNamesVals, newFields) = doubleReplace 2 (newFN, newFV) namesVals fields
in changeFieldsOrNot mn newNamesVals newFields
else if choice == "s"
then useTwo serialize changeFieldsOrNot mn namesVals fields
else putStrLn "Ok, see final serialisation above."

doubleReplace :: Int
-> (FieldName, FieldValue)
changeFieldsOrNot :: MsgName
-> [(FieldName, FieldValue)]
-> [MessageField]
-> ([(FieldName, FieldValue)], [MessageField])
doubleReplace n (newFN, newFV) namesVals fields =
( replace n (newFN, newFV) namesVals
, replace n (MessageField newFN newFV) fields)

useTwo :: (a -> b -> c -> IO ())
-> (a -> b -> c -> IO ())
-> a -> b -> c -> IO ()
useTwo f g a b c = do
f a b c
g a b c
-> MessageSchema
-> IO ()
changeFieldsOrNot mn namesVals fields schema = do
putStrLn "Change any field's value? y for yes, s to serialize, any other key to quit"
choice <- getLine
if choice == "y"
then do
(newFN, newFV) <- completeField schema
if | newFN == messageFieldName (head fields) ->
let (newNamesVals, newFields) = doubleReplace 0 (newFN, newFV) namesVals fields
in changeFieldsOrNot mn newNamesVals newFields schema
| newFN == messageFieldName (fields!!1) ->
let (newNamesVals, newFields) = doubleReplace 1 (newFN, newFV) namesVals fields
in changeFieldsOrNot mn newNamesVals newFields schema
| otherwise ->
let (newNamesVals, newFields) = doubleReplace 2 (newFN, newFV) namesVals fields
in changeFieldsOrNot mn newNamesVals newFields schema
else if choice == "s"
then useTwo serialize changeFieldsOrNot mn namesVals fields schema
else putStrLn "Ok, see final serialisation above."

doubleReplace :: Int
-> (FieldName, FieldValue)
-> [(FieldName, FieldValue)]
-> [MessageField]
-> ([(FieldName, FieldValue)], [MessageField])
doubleReplace n (newFN, newFV) namesVals fields =
( replace n (newFN, newFV) namesVals
, replace n (MessageField newFN newFV) fields)

useTwo :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> IO ())
-> (a -> b -> c -> d -> IO ())
-> a -> b -> c -> d -> IO ()
useTwo f g a b c d = do
f a b c d
g a b c d

getNameVals :: MessageSchema -> IO [(FieldName, FieldValue)]
getNameVals sch = do
(fn, fv) <- completeField sch
moreInputs <- getNameVals sch
return ((fn, fv) : moreInputs)

toMF :: (FieldName, FieldValue) -> MessageField
toMF (fn, fv) = MessageField fn fv

main :: IO ()
main = do
someSchema <- msgSchema
mn <- addMsgName someSchema
schFields <- parseFields "proto/protobuf2.proto"
namesVals <- getNameVals someSchema
let msgFields = map toMF namesVals
let namesVals' = namesVals ++ [(FN "_unknownFields", FText (Rep []))]
serialize mn namesVals' msgFields someSchema
changeFieldsOrNot mn namesVals' msgFields someSchema

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