Saturn_V1 is a fully open sourced, very advanced aimlock and silent aim script that is undetected in every game.
Made with the Linora UI library
the aimlock and other functionalities will work in every game BUT the silent aim will work in anygame that uses Raycasting
i have personally tested the silent aim in games such as
Big Paintball, arsenal, Bad Business, Prison life
and the silent aim worked perfectly
NOTE: if it doesnt work try switching the methods of silent aims
Silent aim Team check Visible Check Target Part (HumanoidRootPart, Head, random)
silent aim methods Raycast FindPartOnRay FindPartOnRayWithWhiteList FindPartOnRayWithBlackList Mouse Hit/target prediction amount
Aimlock/cameralock AImlock keybind setter camera smoothing sliders movement prediction sliders body part targetter(e.g., Head, UpperTorso etc.) anti lock resolver anti lock resolver intensity resolver methods(e.g., Recalculate, Invert, Randomize)
A full on configuration system
and a UI theme setter and theme maker system
excpect ALOT of improvements and updates on Saturn_V1