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Artificial Intelligence Coursework

CS 351: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence assignments

A-star Search

Developed search agent that takes a Search Problem and return its solution using A* algorithm. The Search Problems are:

  1. 8-Puzzle Problem:
  2. Jumping Frogs puzzle (seven rocks and six frogs)


Implemented Simulated Annealing algorithm to find global maximum/minimum of any function. Provides visibility of execution of Simulated Annealing algorithm by plotting graphs of x,y and f using matplotlib.


Implemented Naïve Bayes classifier from scratch to predict categories for future queries. Used scikit-learn based classifiers (Gaussian Naive Bayes, Decison Trees, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Random Forest Trees) to classify Fashion-MNIST dataset. (dataset:


Implemented K-means clustering algorithm to cluster data points (x,y) generated via Gaussian distribution. The algorithm stopped if there was no significant change coming in positions of centroids. Provided graphical visualization of the process of formation of clusters.

Recommendation Systems:

Implemented Collaborative Filtering to make recommendations to users U for items I. Applied gradient descent for matrix factorization of a rating matrix (𝑅) into User features (𝑃) and Item features (𝑄), taking user bias into account.