The Interactive Rapid Climate Signal Detection Software (IRCSD) is a fast climate signal detection tool developed using Dash and Python. For unknown climate signals as input, IRCSD integrates various climate statistical methods, including selecting time ranges, data preprocessing, detrending, and employing different filtering methods and types, to compute the correlation between the signal and over 260 common climate indices (such as atmospheric, oceanic, and sea ice indices). It utilizes parallel computing to accelerate detection speed and outputs interactive detection results (signal time series, correlation, lead-lag correlation, and sliding correlation). IRCSD is designed for students and researchers in atmospheric science, particularly those in the field of climatology, as well as for the public interested in climate change. The goal of IRCSD is to assist in quickly identifying potential source regions of anomalous signals and to enhance the efficiency of climate change research.
Author: Wenshuo Huang (
Version: 1.4 (Last updated: 2024.11.20)
Source Code/Indices Infos:
Documentation: Only in Chinese Now
IRCSD Online Website: Beta Version
The following indices are provided (Total number: 263):
-Niño 1+2 (HadISST) (1870-2024),
Niño 1+2 (HadISST)
-Niño 1+2 (ERSSTv5) (1948-2024),
Niño 1+2 (ERSSTv5)
-Niño 3 (HadISST) (1870-2024),
Niño 3 (HadISST)
-Niño 3 (ERSSTv5) (1948-2024),
Niño 3 (ERSSTv5)
-Niño 3.4 (HadISST) (1870-2024),
Niño 3.4 (HadISST)
-Niño 3.4 (ERSSTv5) (1948-2024),
Niño 3.4 (ERSSTv5)
-Niño 4 (HadISST) (1870-2024),
Niño 4 (HadISST)
-Niño 4 (ERSSTv5) (1948-2024),
Niño 4 (ERSSTv5)
-MEI_Extended (1871-2005),
Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI Extended)
-MEI_V2 (1979-2024),
Multivariate ENSO Index V2
-ONI (1950-2024),
Oceanic Niño Index
-OLR_CTP (1974-2024),
Central Tropical Pacific OLR Index
-WH_WP (1948-2024),
Western Hemisphere Warm Pool
-PAC_WP (1948-2024),
Pacific Warm Pool Area Average
-PAC_WP_Long (1854-2024),
Pacific Warm Pool
-TNI (1948-2023),
Trans-Niño Index
-TNI_Long (1870-2023),
Trans-Niño Index Long
-HeatCentraPac (1979-2024),
Equatorial Central Pacific Heat Content: 160E-80W
-BEST_long (1871-2003),
Bivariate ENSO Time-series
-BEST (1948-2023),
Bivariate ENSO Time-series
-AMM_WIND (1948-2023),
Atlantic Meridional Mode Wind
-AMM_SST (1948-2024),
Atlantic Meridional Mode SST
-PMM_WIND (1948-2019),
Pacific Meridional Mode Wind
-PMM_SST (1948-2024),
Pacific Meridional Mode SST
-DMI/IOD (1870-2022),
Dipole Mode Index (DMI or IOD)
-DMI/IOD EAST (1870-2024),
Dipole Mode Index (DMI or IOD) EAST
-TC-NE Pacific Days (1971-2021),
Hurricane: NE Pacific Days
-TC-Atlantic Days (1851-2022),
Hurricane : Atlantic Days
-TC-NW Pacific Days (1950-2021),
Hurricane: NW Pacific Days
-TC-NE Pacific ACE (1971-2021),
Hurricane: NE Pacific ACE
-TC-Atlantic ACE (1851-2022),
Hurricane: Atlantic ACE
-TC-NW Pacific ACE (1950-2021),
Hurricane: NW Pacific ACE
-NPGO (1950-2024),
North Pacific Gyre Oscillation
-PDO_ENS (1870-2024),
Pacific Decadal Oscillation calculate from Ensemble Mean
-PDO_ERSSTv5 (1854-2024),
Pacific Decadal Oscillation calculate from ERSSTv5
-PDO_HadISST_1.1 (1870-2024),
Pacific Decadal Oscillation calculate from HadISST 1.1
-PDO_COBE2 (1850-2024),
Pacific Decadal Oscillation calculate from COBE2
-PDO_CPC (1948-2022),
Pacific Decadal Oscillation from CPC
-TPI_HadISST_2 (1870-2010),
Tripole Index for the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation
-TPI_ERSSTv5 (1854-2024),
TPI (IPO) Tripole Index for the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation from ERSSTv5
-TPI_HadISST_1.1 (1870-2024),
TPI (IPO) Tripole Index for the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation from HadISST 1.1
-TPI_COBE (1891-2023),
TPI (IPO) Tripole Index for the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation from COBE2
-Tropical Pacific SST EOF (1948-2008),
Tropical Pacific SST EOF
-Atlantic Tripole SST EOF (1948-2008),
Atlantic Tripole SST EOF
-AMO_us (1948-2023),
Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, unsmoothed
-AMO_sm (1948-2023),
Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation Smoothed
-AMO_us_long (1856-2023),
Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, unsmoothed, long
-AMO_sm_long (1856-2023),
Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, Smoothed, long
-GSL (1900-2018),
Global Sea Level
-AAO (1979-2023),
Antarctic Oscillation from NOAA/CPC
-AO (1948-2022),
Arctic Oscillation
-EA/WR (1948-2024),
Eastern Atlantic/Western Russia: From NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC)
-AO_20CRv3 (1871-2012),
Arctic Oscillation from the 20CRv3
-Madras-SLP (1796-2005),
Madras reconstructed SLP
-NJ-SLP (1818-2000),
Nakasaki Japan reconstructed SLP
-NAO_AZO (1865-2002),
Azores Sea Level Pressure (SLP)
-NAO (1948-2022),
North Atlantic Oscillation
-NAO_ICE (1821-2024),
North Atlantic Oscillation: Iceland SLP(NAO ICE)
-NAO_GIB (1821-2024),
North Atlantic Oscillation: Gibralter SLP(NAO GIB)
-NAO_Jones (1948-2022),
North Atlantic Oscillation (Jones)
-NAO_CRU_Long (1821-2024),
North Atlantic Oscillation from CRU
-RNAO (1658-2001),
Reconstructed North Atlantic Oscillation
-EP/NP (1948-2024),
East Pacific/North Pacific Oscillation
-NOI (1948-2024),
Northern Oscillation Index
-NP (1948-2020),
North Pacific Pattern
-NP/NPI (1899-2022),
North Pacific Index
-NP_20CRV3 (1836-2015),
North Pacific Index from the 20CRV3
-TNA (1948-2024),
Tropical Northern Atlantic Index
-TSA (1948-2024),
Tropical Southern Atlantic Index
-NTA (1950-2020),
North Tropical Atlantic SST Index
-CAR (1950-2020),
Caribbean SST Index
-PNA (1948-2024),
Pacific North American Index
-SCAND (1950-2024),
Scandinavian Index
-SOI_CRU_1866 (1866-2024),
Southern Oscillation Index
-SOI (1948-2024),
Southern Oscillation Index
-SOI_20CRV3 (1836-2015),
Southern Oscillation Index from the 20CRV3
-WP (1948-2024),
West Pacific Index
-CO2-Loa (1958-2024),
CO2 at Mauna Loa
-CO2-GlobalAve (1979-2024),
CO2: Global Average
-GBI_long (1851-2023),
Greenland Blocking Index Long
-GBI (1948-2015),
Greenland Blocking Index (GBI)
-GLAAM (1958-2014),
Global Angular Momentum
-MDR (1854-2024),
Atlantic Main Development Region
-QBO-30mb (1948-2024),
Quasi-biennial Oscillation 30mb
-QBO-50mb (1948-2024),
Quasi-biennial Oscillation 50mb
-uwnd_200_troppac (1948-2024),
Tropical Pacific 200mb averaged zonal winds.
-Brazil_Pr (1948-2000),
Northeast Brazil Rainfall Anomaly
-ENSO_Pr (1979-2023),
ENSO Precipitation Index
-Sahel_Pr_Long (1901-2017),
Sahel Standardized Rainfall Long
-Sahel_Pr (1948-2017),
Sahel Standardized Rainfall
-NSierra8_Pr (1920-2024),
N. Sierra 8 station precipitation time-series
-NSierra5_Pr (1913-2024),
C. Sierra 5 station precipitation time-series
-NSierra6_Pr (1923-2024),
S. Sierra 6 station precipitation time-series
-SWM_Pr (1948-2010),
SW Monsoon Region Rainfall
-SWUSM_Pr_Long (1895-2024),
SW US Monsoon Region precipitation
-CI_Pr (1948-1999),
Central Indian Precipitation
-UCB_Pr (1895-2019),
Upper Colorado Basin precipitation
-NASA_Land_T (1880-2024),
NASA Global Land Temperature
-NASA_Comb_T (1880-2024),
NASA Global Land/Ocean Temperature
-Berk_Land_T (1750-2024),
Berkeley Global Land Temperature
-Berk_Comb_T (1850-2024),
Berkeley Global Land/Ocean Temperature
-CRU_Land_T (1850-2022),
CRU Global Land Temperature
-CRU_Comb_T (1850-2024),
CRU Global Land/Ocean Temperature
-NOAA_Land_T (1850-2024),
NOAA Global Land Temperature
-NOAA_Comb_T (1850-2024),
NOAA Global Land/Ocean Temperature
-NH_Ice_Area (1978-2024),
Northern Hemisphere Ice Area
-NH_Ice_Extent (1978-2024),
Northern Hemisphere Ice Extent
-NH_Snow_Extent (1966-2024),
Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover Extent
-SH_Ice_Area (1978-2024),
Southern Hemisphere Ice Area
-SH_Ice_Extent (1978-2024),
Southern Hemisphere Ice Extent
-Sunspot_Count (1749-2024),
Sunspot Count
-Solar Flux (1948-2024),
Solar Flux (10.7cm)
-US_Tornado_Count (1950-2024),
US Tornado Count
-UCB_T (1895-2019),
Upper Colorado Basin Temperature
-LeesFerryNatlFlow (1905-2017),
Lee's Ferry Natural Streamflow (upper CO Basin Streamflow)
-NCC_ATM1 (1951-2023),
Northern Hemisphere Subtropical High Area Index
-NCC_ATM2 (1951-2023),
North African Subtropical High Area Index
-NCC_ATM3 (1951-2023),
North African-North Atlantic-North American Subtropical High Area Index
-NCC_ATM4 (1951-2023),
Indian Subtropical High Area Index
-NCC_ATM5 (1951-2023),
Western Pacific Subtropical High Area Index
-NCC_ATM6 (1951-2023),
Eastern Pacific Subtropical High Area Index
-NCC_ATM7 (1951-2023),
North American Subtropical High Area Index
-NCC_ATM8 (1951-2023),
Atlantic Subtropical High Area Index
-NCC_ATM9 (1951-2023),
South China Sea Subtropical High Area Index
-NCC_ATM10 (1951-2023),
North American-Atlantic Subtropical High Area Index
-NCC_ATM11 (1951-2023),
Pacific Subtropical High Area Index
-NCC_ATM12 (1951-2023),
Northern Hemisphere Subtropical High Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM13 (1951-2023),
North African Subtropical High Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM14 (1951-2023),
North African-North Atlantic-North American Subtropical High Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM15 (1951-2023),
Indian Subtropical High Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM16 (1951-2023),
Western Pacific Subtropical High Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM17 (1951-2023),
Eastern Pacific Subtropical High Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM18 (1951-2023),
North American Subtropical High Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM19 (1951-2023),
North Atlantic Subtropical High Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM20 (1951-2023),
South China Sea Subtropical High Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM21 (1951-2023),
North American-North Atlantic Subtropical High Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM22 (1951-2023),
Pacific Subtropical High Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM23 (1951-2023),
Northern Hemisphere Subtropical High Ridge Position Index
-NCC_ATM24 (1951-2023),
North African Subtropical High Ridge Position Index
-NCC_ATM25 (1951-2023),
North African-North Atlantic-North American Subtropical High Ridge Position Index
-NCC_ATM26 (1951-2023),
Indian Subtropical High Ridge Position Index
-NCC_ATM27 (1951-2023),
Western Pacific Subtropical High Ridge Position Index
-NCC_ATM28 (1951-2023),
Eastern Pacific Subtropical High Ridge Position Index
-NCC_ATM29 (1951-2023),
North American Subtropical High Ridge Position Index
-NCC_ATM30 (1951-2023),
Atlantic Sub Tropical High Ridge Position Index
-NCC_ATM31 (1951-2023),
South China Sea Subtropical High Ridge Position Index
-NCC_ATM32 (1951-2023),
North American-North Atlantic Subtropical High Ridge Position Index
-NCC_ATM33 (1951-2023),
Pacific Subtropical High Ridge Position Index
-NCC_ATM34 (1951-2023),
Northern Hemisphere Subtropical High Northern Boundary Position Index
-NCC_ATM35 (1951-2023),
North African Subtropical High Northern Boundary Position Index
-NCC_ATM36 (1951-2023),
North African-North Atlantic-North American Subtropical High Northern Boundary Position Index
-NCC_ATM37 (1951-2023),
Indian Subtropical High Northern Boundary Position Index
-NCC_ATM38 (1951-2023),
Western Pacific Subtropical High Northern Boundary Position Index
-NCC_ATM39 (1951-2023),
Eastern Pacific Subtropical High Northern Boundary Position Index
-NCC_ATM40 (1951-2023),
North American Subtropical High Northern Boundary Position Index
-NCC_ATM41 (1951-2023),
Atlantic Subtropical High Northern Boundary Position Index
-NCC_ATM42 (1951-2023),
South China Sea Subtropical High Northern Boundary Position Index
-NCC_ATM43 (1951-2023),
North American-Atlantic Subtropical High Northern Boundary Position Index
-NCC_ATM44 (1951-2023),
Pacific Subtropical High Northern Boundary Position Index
-NCC_ATM45 (1951-2023),
Western Pacific Sub Tropical High Western Ridge Point Index
-NCC_ATM46 (1951-2023),
Asia Polar Vortex Area Index
-NCC_ATM47 (1951-2023),
Pacific Polar Vortex Area Index
-NCC_ATM48 (1951-2023),
North American Polar Vortex Area Index
-NCC_ATM49 (1951-2023),
Atlantic-European Polar Vortex Area Index
-NCC_ATM50 (1951-2023),
Northern Hemisphere Polar Vortex Area Index
-NCC_ATM51 (1951-2023),
Asia Polar Vortex Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM52 (1951-2023),
Pacific Polar Vortex Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM53 (1951-2023),
North American Polar Vortex Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM54 (1951-2023),
Atlantic-European Polar Vortex Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM55 (1951-2023),
Northern Hemisphere Polar Vortex Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM56 (1951-2023),
Northern Hemisphere Polar Vortex Central Longitude Index
-NCC_ATM57 (1951-2023),
Northern Hemisphere Polar Vortex Central Latitude Index
-NCC_ATM58 (1951-2023),
Northern Hemisphere Polar Vortex Central Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM59 (1951-2023),
Eurasian Zonal Circulation Index
-NCC_ATM60 (1951-2023),
Eurasian Meridional Circulation Index
-NCC_ATM61 (1951-2023),
Asian Zonal Circulation Index
-NCC_ATM62 (1951-2023),
Asian Meridional Circulation Index
-NCC_ATM63 (1951-2023),
East Asian Trough Position Index
-NCC_ATM64 (1951-2023),
East Asian Trough Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM65 (1951-2023),
Tibet Plateau Region 1 Index
-NCC_ATM66 (1951-2023),
Tibet Plateau Region 2 Index
-NCC_ATM67 (1951-2023),
India-Burma Trough Intensity Index
-NCC_ATM68 (1951-2023),
Arctic Oscillation, AO
-NCC_ATM69 (1951-2023),
Antarctic Oscillation, AAO
-NCC_ATM70 (1951-2023),
North Atlantic Oscillation , NAO
-NCC_ATM71 (1951-2023),
Pacific/ North American Pattern , PNA
-NCC_ATM72 (1951-2023),
East Atlantic Pattern, EA
-NCC_ATM73 (1951-2023),
West Pacific Pattern, WP
-NCC_ATM74 (1951-2023),
North Pacific Pattern, NP
-NCC_ATM75 (1951-2023),
East Atlantic-West Russia Pattern, EA/WR
-NCC_ATM76 (1951-2023),
Tropical-Northern Hemisphere Pattern, TNH
-NCC_ATM77 (1951-2023),
Polar-Eurasia Pattern, POL
-NCC_ATM78 (1951-2023),
Scandinavia Pattern, SCA
-NCC_ATM79 (1951-2023),
Pacific Transition Pattern, PT
-NCC_ATM80 (1951-2023),
30hPa zonal wind Index
-NCC_ATM81 (1951-2023),
50 hPa zonal wind Index
-NCC_ATM82 (1951-2023),
Mid-Eastern Pacific 200mb Zonal Wind Index
-NCC_ATM83 (1951-2023),
West Pacific 850mb Trade Wind Index
-NCC_ATM84 (1951-2023),
Central Pacific 850mb Trade Wind Index
-NCC_ATM85 (1951-2023),
East Pacific 850mb Trade Wind Index
-NCC_ATM86 (1951-2023),
Atlantic-European Circulation W Pattern Index
-NCC_ATM87 (1951-2023),
Atlantic-European Circulation C Pattern Index
-NCC_ATM88 (1951-2023),
Atlantic-European Circulation E Pattern Index
-NCC_OCE1 (1951-2023),
NINO 1+2 SSTA Index
-NCC_OCE2 (1951-2023),
-NCC_OCE3 (1951-2023),
-NCC_OCE4 (1951-2023),
NINO 3.4 SSTA Index
-NCC_OCE5 (1951-2023),
-NCC_OCE6 (1951-2023),
-NCC_OCE7 (1951-2023),
-NCC_OCE8 (1951-2023),
-NCC_OCE9 (1951-2023),
-NCC_OCE10 (1951-2023),
Tropical Northern Atlantic SST Index
-NCC_OCE11 (1951-2023),
Tropical Southern Atlantic SST Index
-NCC_OCE12 (1951-2023),
Western Hemisphere Warm Pool Index
-NCC_OCE13 (1951-2023),
Indian Ocean Warm Pool Area Index
-NCC_OCE14 (1951-2023),
Indian Ocean Warm Pool Strength Index
-NCC_OCE15 (1951-2023),
Western Pacific Warm Pool Area Index
-NCC_OCE16 (1951-2023),
Western Pacific Warm Pool Strength index
-NCC_OCE17 (1951-2023),
Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation Index
-NCC_OCE18 (1951-2023),
Oyashio Current SST Index
-NCC_OCE19 (1951-2023),
West Wind Drift Current SST Index
-NCC_OCE20 (1951-2023),
Kuroshio Current SST Index
-NCC_OCE21 (1951-2023),
ENSO Modoki Index
-NCC_OCE22 (1951-2023),
Warm-pool ENSO Index
-NCC_OCE23 (1951-2023),
Cold-tongue ENSO Index
-NCC_OCE24 (1951-2023),
Indian Ocean Basin-Wide Index
-NCC_OCE25 (1951-2023),
Tropic Indian Ocean Dipole Index
-NCC_OCE26 (1951-2023),
South Indian Ocean Dipole Index
-NCC_EXT1 (1951-2021),
Cold Air Activity Index
-NCC_EXT2 (1951-2021),
Western North Pacific Typhoon number
-NCC_EXT3 (1951-2021),
Number of Landing Typhoon on China
-NCC_EXT4 (1951-2021),
Total Sunspot Number Index
-NCC_EXT5 (1951-2021),
Southern Oscillation Index
-NCC_EXT6 (1951-2021),
Tropical Pacific Outgoing Long Wave Radiation Index
-NCC_EXT7 (1951-2021),
Multivariate ENSO Index
-NCC_EXT8 (1951-2021),
Pacific Decadal Oscillation Index
-NCC_EXT9 (1951-2021),
Atlantic Meridional Mode SST Index
-NCC_EXT10 (1951-2021),
Quasi-Biennial Oscillation Index
-NCC_EXT11 (1951-2021),
Globally Integrated Angular Momentum Index
-NCC_EXT12 (1951-2021),
Solar Flux Index
-NCC_EXT13 (1951-2021),
Equatorial Pacific 130°E-80°W Upper 300m temperature averaged anomaly index
-NCC_EXT14 (1951-2021),
Equatorial Pacific 160°E-80°W Upper 300m temperature Average anomaly index
-NCC_EXT15 (1951-2021),
Equatorial Pacific 180º-100ºW Upper 300m temperature Average anomaly index
-NCC_EXT16 (1951-2021),
North Atlantic Triple index
-amoc_mean (1993-2019),
-amoc_std (1993-2019),
-amoc_cglo (1993-2019),
-amoc_glos (1993-2019),
-amoc_glor (1993-2019),
-amoc_oras (1993-2019),
-SAM_Station (1957-2024),
Marshall Southern Annular Mode (SAM) Index (Station-based)
-SAM_20CRV3 (1836-2015),
Southern Annular Mode (SAM) Index (20CRV3-based)
-SAM_20crv2c (1851-2011),
Southern Annular Mode (SAM) Index (20crv2c-based)
-PJ_huang04 (1940-2024),
Pacific-Japan teleconnection index defined by Huang04
-PJ_noh21 (1940-2024),
Pacific-Japan teleconnection index defined by Noh21
-PJ_ling22 (1940-2024),
Pacific-Japan teleconnection index defined by ling21
-SINTEX_ATL3 (1982-2024),
the Atlantic Niño index (ATL3)
-SINTEX_CNI (1982-2024),
the California Niño index (CNI)
-SINTEX_DNI (1982-2024),
the Dakar Ninño index (DNI)
-SINTEX_NNI (1982-2024),
he Ningaloo Niño index (NNI)
-SINTEX_SASD (1982-2024),
the Southern Atlantic Subtropical Dipole index (SASD)
-SINTEX_SIOD (1982-2024),
the Indian Ocean Subtropical Dipole index (SIOD)
If you are interested in IRCSD development, please don't hesitate to become a contributor!