Tron based multiplayer game in OpenGL. This is an old project that I used to learn Java and OpenGL when I was in university. Unfortunately I wrote it in French, so feel free to ask if you want me to translate it in English.
Add -Djava.library.path=native_macos/ to your VM options.
Add -Djava.library.path=native_linux/ to your VM options.
Add -Djava.library.path=native_windows/ to your VM options.
- Check on
- Download the version 2.9.3
- Unzip it
- Copy the content of native folder in an other folder at the root of this project
- Link it with -Djava.library.path=[YOURFOLDER] in your run configuration -> VM options.
Run the class "Launcher" go to the right to select "Serveur et client"