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Installation on Linux MacOS

TheRoyalBlock edited this page Aug 13, 2017 · 2 revisions

Install Steadfast2 on Linux/MacOS

git clone or in directory of your choosing. Or download and extract zip into directory of choosing.

Navigate to Steadfast2 directory via command line

Run command ./installer

If successful this will create a bin directory with a special Php7 build in it and a shell script

Running ./start for the first time will take through a set up wizard where and create the 2 main config files for your server pocketmine.yml and


If using Vagrant have a config of "public_network" in the Vagrantfile should make your server discoverable from LAN.

Starting/Stopping Server

Run command ./start in from server root directory

To stop the server stop in running servers terminal. (or CTRL + C should work).