- Secure JSON JSON storage library to securely persist JSON data on disk. Cipher is configured to use AES-256-CBC with initialization vector.
- There are two types of storage schema: inmemory or disk
- inmemory: Store items are not persisted on disk and are not encrypted.
- disk: Store items are persisted on disk and can be encrypted.
npm install secure-json --save
const SecureJStore = require("secure-json");
var instance = new SecureJStore();
var options = {
store: <Path to SecureJStore directory>,
dbType: <Specify "inmemory" or "disk">,
password: <Specify password to encrypt the SecureJStore>
var instance = new SecureJStore();
instance.setItem("key1", "value1");
let value = instance.getItem("key1");
let value = instance.removeItem("key1");
let keys = instance.keys();
let values = instance.values();
let items = instance.entries();
for(let item of instance ) { ... }
instance.forEach( (x) => { ... });
npm install
npm run test
npm run coverage
istanbul cover ./test/test.js
Check coverage folder