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Parallel implementation of 3DES

Encryption algorithms play an important role in today’s digital world. Large amount of sensitive information is transferred over the unsecured internet every day. Encryption algorithms are used to protect this information traveling through the internet. The speed of encryption operations are also becoming important as more people are using digital services for faster and protected transactions. In this project we implement one such encryption algorithm – called 3DES -- through openMP which parallelizes different parts of algorithm to achieve maximum speedup.


3DES (Triple DES/ Triple Data Encryption Standard) is a cryptographic algorithm which is based on symmetric-key block cipher. It applies DES cipher three times to every block. 3DES was first published in 1995. The structure of the 3DES is based on Feistel networks.

Workings of DES

Key Generation

  • The 64-bit key is permuted to 56 bits using the permutation combination 1 (see constants.h) matrix. So 57th bit of the original key is mapped to the 1 st bit of the permuted key.
  • The original 56 bit key is divided into two halves of 28 bits each.
  • Each matrix is then left shifted using bit rotation (bitRot in constants.h) matrix for each round (16 rounds)
  • The output is the fed to permutation combination 2 which outputs 48 bits.
  • The algorithm is run three times for every key (3 keys) to finally get 3DES encrypteed output (cipher text)


  • 64-bit is divided into two arrays of 32 bits each (left and right).
  • There are 16 round for each block of plaintext. Because DES is based on feistel cipher.
  • Right 32 bits are permuted to 48 bits with Expansion box array.
  • The bits at the left half are simply fed to XOR function but the bits at the right half go through a function (process) before being XORed with left half bits.
  • The round keys generated from original keys are fed to the function and right half of the text as well.
  • The function then uses expansion box to expand the 32 bit input to 48 bits which are then passed through S-boxes (sBox in constants.h) to reduce the 48 bits to 32 bits again.
  • The S-boxes (substitution boxes) provide diffusion/Avalanche effect to the input so that a slight change in the input causes big change in the cipher text (output). There are a total of 8 S-boxes.
  • The Sbox works as follows: -> For example: S1(37) = ? -> 37 = 100101 so middle 0010 can be searched in column of sbox and 11 right most and left most bits which make 11 in the row of sbox. If we find 0010 and 11 in sbox we get 1000 output. (constants.h contains Sbox table in decimal)
  • The output is then XORed with the left half of the text and fed to right half of the next round and right 32 bits are also fed to left half of next round.
  • This process continues for 16 round
  • The IP inverse (ipInv in constants.h) is applied to the output and it becomes the cipher text.
  • The same process is applied to the Cipher text to get the original plain text but only the round keys are applied in reversed fashion. The round 16 key is applied to first round, 15 to 2nd and so on.
  • Initial Permutation and Final Permutation (IP and IP -1)
C = EK3(DK2(EK1(P))) P = DK1(EK2(DK3(C)))


Parallelizing the Encryption/Decryption region:

In 3DES data is split into blocks of 64 bits each which are then fed to Encryption/Decryption function with the 56 bits round keys. We have added parallel region here so that each thread gets 64bits data and a round key and computes the output seperately. This implementation gives far more speed up than the other implementation.

Parallelizing SBOX operations:

In 3DES data is passed through sbox or substitution boxes to add the element of diffusion. 48 bits of data coming from expansion boxes is passed to sbox in blocks of 6 each. Middle 4 bits map the sbox column and adjacent 2 bits map the row of sbox. We have added parallel region here to make the operations efficient but somehow it becomes slower as the data grows because of the thread creation overhead.

Nested Parallelism:

We have merged the parallelism of sboxes with encryption/decryption function and enabled nested parallelism as well. Again in this case, we are not getting the speed up for large files because of the thread creation overhead.

Tools and Dependencies

  1. C++
  2. Python 2.x/3.x
  3. Matplotlib C++ API

cd 3DES-Parallel-OpenMP
g++ -o main -fopenmp main.cpp


Using 2 Threads

2 Threads

Using 4 Threads

4 Threads

Using 8 Threads

8 Threads

Serial VS Parallel 8 Threads (Y = Parallel, B = Serial)

Serial VS Parallel


Parallel Implementation of 3DES using OpenMP






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