🚫 This project is no longer maintained.
Very simple server-side Swift application that can be run local on your macOS or Linux box or in Bluemix Cloud Foundry
Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/IBM-Swift/kitura-helloworld.git
Build the app locally
$ cd kitura-helloworld
$ swift build
This should build an executable called .build/debug/kitura-helloworld
Run executable
$ .build/debug/kitura-helloworld
VERBOSE: init() Router.swift line 55 - Router initialized
VERBOSE: run() Kitura.swift line 71 - Starting Kitura framework...
VERBOSE: run() Kitura.swift line 73 - Starting an HTTP Server on port 8080...
INFO: listen(socket:port:) HTTPServer.swift line 136 - Listening on port 8080
Now if you also want to push this to Bluemix, follow the steps here (https://console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/starters/install_cli.html) to signup, download command line tool and push your app to the cloud.