An application of the the CREMA Library.
Giorgia Adorni - GiorgiaAuroraAdorni -
Alessandro Antonucci - alessandroantonucci -
Claudio Bonesana - cbonesana -
Francesca Mangili - mangilif -
In the file AdaptiveTests
is contained the code to make inference using the CREMA libray.
In the files BNsAdaptiveSurveyTest
and CNsAdaptiveSurveyTest
are contained examples of usage of the library:
a survey test for a single student is created, each students will have its lists of questions, its personal test,
and its answer sheet. At the end the skills of the students are returned.
The survey is performed using a Bayesian network, in the first case, while a Credal one, in the second.
The files BNsAdaptiveSurveySimulation
and CNsAdaptiveSurveySimulation
perform a simulation of a case study in
order to measure the performance of the model. In fact, the only difference from the two previous "Tests" is that the
answers to the questions are sampled using the probabilities of answering correctly or not to a given question.
The student's real answers are used only as final validation.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.