This guide explains how to publish data from the OptiTrack system to a ROS core. The OptiTrack System utilizes Motive Software to interpret the data.
- Log into the Robotics Lab Server
If you are in the Robotics Lab, log into Hydra using your username and password:
ssh username@hydra
- Install the VRPN Package
You need to install the VRPN package into the ROS environment. Run the following command in your terminal:
sudo apt install ros-$(rosversion -d)-vrpn-client-ros
- Create a Catkin Package
Create a Catkin package named optitrack_ros_client. Replace with any additional dependencies your project might require:
catkin_create_pkg optitrack_ros_client std_msgs rospy roscpp <dependencies>
- Create a Launch Folder and File
Create a launch folder in your package directory, and then create a launch file inside this folder.
Here's an example of what you might include in optitrack.launch. Remember, the IP address should be that of the computer running the Motive Software:
<arg name="server" default=""/>
<node pkg="vrpn_client_ros" type="vrpn_client_node" name="optitrack" output="screen">
<rosparam subst_value="true">
server: $(arg server)
port: 3883
update_frequency: 120.0
frame_id: world
# Use the VRPN server's time, or the client's ROS time.
use_server_time: false
broadcast_tf: true
# Must either specify refresh frequency > 0.0, or a list of trackers to create
refresh_tracker_frequency: 1.0
#- FirstTracker
#- SecondTracker
- Launch the Node
Run the following command to start the node and begin receiving data from OptiTrack:
roslaunch optitrack_ros_client optitrack.launch
This setup should help you integrate OptiTrack data into your ROS environment efficiently. You can see the topics getting published by running the following command:
rostopic list | grep
Once you have this, you can create a script to subscribe to these topics and work with the data however you'd like.