Scripts to model the interactions in a mammalian nerve fiber. There at two separate models presented here.
-- Constructed in NEURON computing environment
-- Based on,
1. Wesselink, W. A., J. Holsheimer, and H. B. K. Boom. "A model of the electrical behaviour of myelinated sensory nerve fibres based on human data." Medical & biological engineering & computing 37.2 (1999): 228-235.
2. Schwarz, Jürgen R., Gordon Reid, and Hugh Bostock. "Action potentials and membrane currents in the human node of Ranvier." Pflügers Archiv 430.2 (1995): 283-292.
-- To simulate,
1. Run the NEURON code on a cluster, ../_mechanistic/_neuron/
2. Analyse the stored data from neuron simulations using the matlab codes under,
-- Constructed on MATLAB
-- To simulate,
Run ../_functional/Reduced_master.m
-- Sample data and codes to reproduce results from our manuscript are provided in,
../sample/ folder