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pqry v1.2.2

Easier query to pterodactyl v1 panel.


Souce code of package writed on ts. ESM and CJS is complied using tsc command. If you want to edit/fork package:

  1. Fork or clone using git clone
  2. Edit code
  3. Complie using compile


npm install pqry


  1. Get apikey from your panel
  2. Import PQRY:
import { PQRY } from "pqry"; // ESM and TS
const { PQRY } = require("pqry"); // CJS
  1. Specify your host (link to panel) and api:
const pqry = new PQRY({
  host: "",
  apikey: "your api key"
  1. Use it :)


  • < > - required
  • [ ] - optional
  • All functions return Promise<?>


import { GetServers } from "pqry"; // ESM and TS
const { GetServers } = require("pqry"); // CJS

console.log(await GetServers(<host>, <apikey>))

Return list of your servers:

  server_owner: true,
  identifier: '1a2b3c4d',
  internal_id: 59181,
  uuid: '1a2b3c4d-aab9-48b9-be2f-203eefc1eef0',
  name: 'My Server',
  cpu2: null,
  node: 'MyNode1',
  nest_id: 1,
  sftp_details: { ip: '', port: 22 },
  description: '',
  limits: {
    memory: 4096,
    swap: 0,
    disk: 40960,
    io: 500,
    cpu: 200,
    threads: null,
    oom_disabled: false
  invocation: 'java -Xmx4096M server.jar nogui',
  docker_image: 'INotSleep:java17',
  egg_features: [ 'eula' ],
  feature_limits: { databases: 0, allocations: 5, backups: 3 },
  status: null,
  is_suspended: false,
  is_installing: false,
  is_transferring: false,
  allocations: [
      id: 36714,
      ip: '',
      ip_alias: '',
      port: 25876,
      notes: null,
      is_default: true
  host: '',
  apikey: 'your api key'

You can also make it like this:



import { GetApiKeys } from "pqry"; // ESM and TS
const { GetApiKeys } = require("pqry"); // CJS

console.log(await GetApiKeys(<host>, <apikey>))

Return your api keys:

  identifier: 'FLWvge36u5Puc9NQ', // this is short name.
  description: '12314234124',
  allowed_ips: [],
  last_used_at: '2022-03-12T00:36:38+03:00',
  created_at: '2022-03-11T19:40:49+03:00',
  host: '',
  apikey: 'your api key, not this api key.',

You can also make it like this:



import { CreateApiKey } from "pqry"; // ESM and TS
const { CreateApiKey } = require("pqry"); // CJS

console.log(await CreateApiKey(<host>, <apikey>, <description>, [allowed_ips]))

Return your created api key:

  identifier: 'FLWvge36u5Puc9NQ', // this is short name.
  description: '12314234124',
  allowed_ips: [],
  last_used_at: null,
  created_at: '2022-03-11T19:40:49+03:00',
  host: '',
  apikey: 'your api key, not this api key.',

You can also make it like this:

pqry.createApiKey(<description>, [allowed_ips])


import { DeleteApiKey } from "pqry"; // ESM and TS
const { DeleteApiKey } = require("pqry"); // CJS

console.log(await DeleteApiKey(<host>, <apikey>, <identifier>))

Delete apikey.
You can also make it like this:

pqry.deleteApiKey(<description>, [allowed_ips])

or this:

var apikeys = await pqry.getApiKeys()


import { GetServer } from "pqry"; // ESM and TS
const { GetServer } = require("pqry"); // CJS

console.log(await GetServer(<host>, <apikey>, <identifier>))

Return your server:

  server_owner: true,
  identifier: '1a2b3c4d',
  internal_id: 59181,
  uuid: '1a2b3c4d-aab9-48b9-be2f-203eefc1eef0',
  name: 'My Server',
  cpu2: null,
  node: 'MyNode1',
  nest_id: 1,
  sftp_details: { ip: '', port: 22 },
  description: '',
  limits: {
    memory: 4096,
    swap: 0,
    disk: 40960,
    io: 500,
    cpu: 200,
    threads: null,
    oom_disabled: false
  invocation: 'java -Xmx4096M server.jar nogui',
  docker_image: 'INotSleep:java17',
  egg_features: [ 'eula' ],
  feature_limits: { databases: 0, allocations: 5, backups: 3 },
  status: null,
  is_suspended: false,
  is_installing: false,
  is_transferring: false,
  allocations: [
      id: 36714,
      ip: '',
      ip_alias: '',
      port: 25876,
      notes: null,
      is_default: true
  host: '',
  apikey: 'your api key'

You can also make it like this:



import { Signal } from "pqry";
const { Signal } = require("pqry"); // CJS

console.log(await Signal(<host>, <apikey>, <identifier>, <signal>))

Applyies state signal to server. Avlaible signals:

  • start
  • restart
  • stop
  • kill You can also make it like this:
await pqry.signal(<identifier>, <signal>)

or this:

var server = await pqry.getServer("1a2b3c4d")



import { SendCommand } from "pqry"; // ESM and TS
const { SendCommand } = require("pqry"); // CJS

console.log(SendCommand(<host>, <apikey>, <identifier>, <command>))

Send command to server. You can also make it like this:

await pqry.sendCommand(<identifier>, <command>)

or this:

var server = await pqry.getServer("1a2b3c4d")


import { UsageInfo } from "pqry"; // ESM and TS
const { UsageInfo } = require("pqry"); // CJS

console.log(await UsageInfo(<host>, <apikey>, <identifier>))

Return usage info of your server:

  current_state: 'running',
  is_suspended: false,
  resources: {
    memory_bytes: 1180884992,
    cpu_absolute: 20.679,
    disk_bytes: 449824735,
    network_rx_bytes: 453400,
    network_tx_bytes: 184979,
    uptime: 53932619

You can also make it like this:


or this:

var server = await pqry.getServer("1a2b3c4d")


import { GetBackups } from "pqry"; // ESM and TS
const { GetBackups } = require("pqry"); // CJS

console.log(await GetBackups(<host>, <apikey>, <identifier>))

identifier - server's identifier
Return all backups of your server:

    uuid: '46cbc7fa-36a8-4eb3-b664-362a69729804',
    is_successful: true,
    is_locked: true,
    name: 'My backup',
    ignored_files: [],
    checksum: 'sha1:115f6077497641a1bfdd881c1034226a13dc7c4f',
    bytes: 342782907,
    created_at: '2022-02-06T11:49:30+03:00',
    completed_at: '2022-02-06T11:49:38+03:00',
    host: '',
    apikey: 'your api key'
You can also make it like this:

Note: All Backup request can be runned throught Server class:



import { GetBackup } from "pqry"; // ESM and TS
const { GetBackup } = require("pqry"); // CJS

console.log(await GetBackup(<host>, <apikey>, <identifier>, <uuid>))

identifier - server's identifier
uuid - uuid of backup
Return backup of your server:

  uuid: '46cbc7fa-36a8-4eb3-b664-362a69729804',
  is_successful: true,
  is_locked: true,
  name: 'My backup',
  ignored_files: [],
  checksum: 'sha1:115f6077497641a1bfdd881c1034226a13dc7c4f',
  bytes: 342782907,
  created_at: '2022-02-06T11:49:30+03:00',
  completed_at: '2022-02-06T11:49:38+03:00',
  host: '',
  apikey: 'your api key'

You can also make it like this:

pqry.getBackup(<identifier>, <uuid>)


import { CreateBackup } from "pqry"; // ESM and TS
const { CreateBackup } = require("pqry"); // CJS

console.log(await CreateBackup(<host>, <apikey>, <identifier>))

identifier - server's identifier
uuid - uuid of backup
Create and return backup of your server:

  uuid: '46cbc7fa-36a8-4eb3-b664-362a69729804',
  is_successful: true,
  is_locked: true,
  name: 'My backup',
  ignored_files: [],
  checksum: 'sha1:115f6077497641a1bfdd881c1034226a13dc7c4f',
  bytes: 342782907,
  created_at: '2022-02-06T11:49:30+03:00',
  completed_at: '2022-02-06T11:49:38+03:00',
  host: '',
  apikey: 'your api key'

You can also make it like this:



import { DownloadBackup } from "pqry"; // ESM and TS
const { DownloadBackup } = require("pqry"); // CJS

console.log(await DownloadBackup(<host>, <apikey>, <identifier>, <uuid>))

identifier - server's identifier
uuid - uuid of backup
Return backup's download link:

You can also make it like this:

pqry.DownloadBackup(<identifier>, <uuid>)


import { DeleteBackup } from "pqry"; // ESM and TS
const { DeleteBackup } = require("pqry"); // CJS

console.log(await DeleteBackup(<host>, <apikey>, <identifier>, <uuid>))

identifier - server's identifier
uuid - uuid of backup
Delete backup, if it not locked.
You can also make it like this:

pqry.deleteBackup(<identifier>, <uuid>)


import { GetWebSocketCredintials } from "pqry"; // ESM and TS
const { GetWebSocketCredintials } = require("pqry"); // CJS

console.log(await GetWebSocketCredintials(<host>, <apikey>, <identifier>))

identifier - server's identifier.
Delete backup, if it not locked.
You can also make it like this:



const server = await pqry.getServer("1a2b3c4d");


  "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJ...",
  "socket": "wss:\/\/\/api\/servers\/1a2b3c4d-259b-452e-8b4e-cecc464142ca\/ws"

That function is useless, because there's implementation WebSocket:

import { ServerWebSocket } from "pqry";

let server = await pqry.getServer("1a2b3c4d")
let socket = new ServerWebSocket(server, <autoExtend>);
socket.on("log", (message) => {})
socket.on("close", (code, message) => {})
socket.on("error", (err) => {})
socket.on("socket_open", () => {})
socket.on("rawmessage", () => {})
socket.on("stats", (data) => {
    "memory_bytes": 526626816,
    "memory_limit_bytes": 588800000,
    "cpu_absolute": 588.815,
    "network": {
        "rx_bytes": 1126,
        "tx_bytes": 1126
    "state": "stopping",
    "disk_bytes": 128118626
socket.on("token_expiring", () => {})
socket.on("token_expired", () => {})
socket.on("open", () => {})

socket.sendSignal("start") // kill stop restart start
socket.sendCommand("say Hello from pqry by WebSocket")

socket.socket.close() // to close WebSocket

autoExtend - Extend WebSocket connection on tocken expiring.
Usefull only to use log, stats, and open listeners.
Also you can create ServerWebSocket instance from Server:

let server = await pqry.getServer("1a2b3c4d")
let socket = server.getWebSocket(true)


import { PQRY } from "pqry";

const pqry = new PQRY({
  host: "",
  apikey: "your api key"

(async() => {
  var server = await pqry.getServer("1a2b3c4d");
  server.sendCommand("say §cRestart in 1 second!")
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 1000)