- Added ResetPlayerMarkerForPlayer (thanks to ziggi)
- Added execute(command[]) which allow you to execute commands from the SA-MP server
- Added protection against sproofing dialog id
- Added ability to send console messages to players
- Readded and fixed GetPlayerDialog which was removed before
- Added ud, lr keys to (Set/Get)PlayerDisabledKeysSync
- Major improvements in plugin code
- Fixed GetVehiclePaintjob
- Fixed OnClientCheckResponse wasn't calling for gamemodes (thanks to ziggi)
- Fixed GetVehicleNumberPlate returned NULL as plate when vehicle has default plate
- Fixed a bug when you used /rcon weather/gravity and afterward GetPlayerWeather/GetPlayerGravity wasn't updated
- Fixed % character appearance in print messages
- Improved RakServer hooks
- RakServer::IsBanned, RakServer::Send has finally fixed on Linux
- If YSF isn't loaded return of memory hacking functions will be cellmin
- SAMP GDK has been removed, added custom hooks for callback hooking insted of using SAMPGDK
- ModifyFlag has been removed, use instead SetServerRuleFlags
- (Player)TextDrawGetFontSize has been removed, use insted (Player)TextDrawGetTextSize
- GetMTUSize has been removed since it always returned the same value
- Swapped some of SendBulletData parameters, for more info see the native