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Something isn't working
This issue or pull request already exists, or the discussed topics have already been addressed.
effort: n
effort: n
Unknown. Project planning and a WBS need to be established (Fibonnaci >= 13).
effort: 1
effort: 1
Very low. Minimal implementation effort usually without upfront preparation (a couple of hours).
effort: 2
effort: 2
Low. Minimal implementation effort, possibly with upfront preparation (a couple of days).
effort: 3
effort: 3
Medium. Implementation can be planned as successive scrums (a couple of weeks).
effort: 5
effort: 5
High. Implementation requires a dedicated milestone & some planning (a couple of fortnights).
effort: 8
effort: 8
Very high. Project planning and a WBS need to be established (a couple of months).
help wanted
help wanted
Project team requires community help.
prio: critical
prio: critical
An SLA severity level 2 has been triggered.
prio: emergency
prio: emergency
An SLA severity level 1 has been triggered.
prio: high
prio: high
Immediate action is required.
prio: medium
prio: medium
Topic is a concern and should be considered rapidly.
prio: plan
prio: plan
Topic has yet to be scheduled.
prio: schedule
prio: schedule
Topic is scheduled for next milestone.
scope: build system
scope: build system
Focus is on the build system.
scope: documentation
scope: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
scope: infrastructure
scope: infrastructure
Focus is on the underlying infrastructure for production and other environments.
scope: master data
scope: master data
Focus is on master data management/migration
scope: source code
scope: source code
Focus is on the source code (default).
scope: testing/uat
scope: testing/uat
Focus is on testing on a particular UAT run.
stage: build
stage: build
Lifecycle stage: build.
stage: deploy
stage: deploy
Lifecycle stage: deploy (and devops).
stage: design
stage: design
Lifecycle stage: design.
stage: run
stage: run
Lifecycle stage: manage & run.
stage: shutdown
stage: shutdown
Lifecycle stage: shutdown & decommission.
stage: test
stage: test
Lifecycle stage: test (more specifically UATs).
state: approved
state: approved
Issue/pull request has been approved and dependent actions may now be enacted.
state: blocked
state: blocked
Issue/pull request has been blocked and all related on-going activities should be paused.
state: completed
state: completed
Issue has been completed (redundant with `closed` status).